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8/17/2013 12:15:47 PM Suggestions?  
Dallas, TX
26, joined Jun. 2013

Any ladies have any suggestions on diet pills that exactly work? Increasing overall weight loss? I use green tea pills and they're pretty good. Also if you have tips on workouts please let me know too


Please no crude comments, just asking advice.

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8/17/2013 8:18:39 PM Suggestions?  

Moreno Valley, CA
34, joined Feb. 2013

Well not exactly diet pills but the Super B Complex are suppose to help breakdown fat. Just be careful about diet pills because it is usually short term goals and has a bad habit of gaining it back.
with losing weight you want to take vitamins like a daily to help your body.

8/18/2013 5:23:55 PM Suggestions?  
Dallas, TX
26, joined Jun. 2013

I have no patience for long term weight loss hahaha so I try to find semi okay diet pills that aren't bad. I'm working on my patience but I like knowing of anything that'll speed the process along. Thanks for the advice

8/22/2013 1:00:22 PM Suggestions?  
Over 4,000 Posts! (4,327)
Sparta, MO
30, joined Jan. 2008

Well for one you don't even look like you need to lose any weight. And two, if you want healthy pills consult your doctor. My mom is on a program and she has lost 23lbs since April. She takes a pill every morning 30mins before eating and then she must eat every 2hrs, doesn't matter what it is or how much, just eat every 2hrs and drink water. They won't give it to anyone with heart problems though. Phentermine is what it's called

8/23/2013 10:54:24 PM Suggestions?  
Dallas, TX
26, joined Jun. 2013

Yeah I use to take phentermine it just got really expensive. I need to lose about 20-25lbs actually.

8/24/2013 7:30:57 PM Suggestions?  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (252,312)
Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010