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7/19/2012 3:10:02 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Why do people believe the lies they tell ?

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7/19/2012 8:29:42 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,153)
Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010

because they're stupid. Because it's on tv and they think it must be real. Because it fits their emotional bias. Because nice faces like that couldn't possibly lie.

8/24/2012 2:10:48 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Warren, OH
57, joined Aug. 2012

FOX SUCKS!!!! They are so one sided it's sickening, but I can't stop watching it even though I get angry about their biased oppinions. Like today they showed Rush Limbaugh and he said "all people who vote for Obama are morons" Like Al Franken said in his book "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot!"

8/24/2012 11:34:38 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Big fat idiot , now thats funny don't care who you are . And he is a a$$ hole !!!!!

8/27/2012 5:50:04 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Don't know why so many people that don't have money think that given the super rich a bigger tax break , will make the ones with less better off . Don't make since to me , but then I'm just a poor working man . What do I know , enough not to vote for Romney lol .

8/29/2012 6:50:54 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,902)
Springfield, MO
61, joined Jun. 2011

Gotta Love Al Franken!! Rush Limbaugh???

9/1/2012 7:18:02 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Gary, IN
37, joined Jan. 2012

Quote from simpcounmam:
Why do people believe the lies they tell ?

Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes are the Orwellian "Big Brother." If I didn't know better, I'd be quite certain that Faux Noise was purely a satirical commentary on the paranoid, Reich-Wing! Sadly (and dangerously), people don't even scrutinize what is on that "news" network. Jon Stewart is supposed to be the "fake news." In all actuality, he is the watchdog that the American press needed. He busts them on every lie. He's definitely left-of-center. But, he does go after anyone that is full-of-shit. That includes Obama.

9/14/2012 2:47:52 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

has anybody watched MSNBC latley,,,,,they spin as much propaganda as fox does,,,,just because you are liberal dosent mean your side arent as big a spinners as they are,,,,it amazes me,,you hate o'reilly and sean hannity but listen to rachel maddows and "Ed",,,they are just alike,, Ed is a bully just like o'reilly and rachel maddows is just like sean hannity anything the other side is dead wrong no matter what.....point is,,you cant b*tch about propaganda when your own side is just as guilty

[Edited 9/14/2012 2:48:59 PM ]

9/14/2012 3:40:32 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Quote from pentopaper:
has anybody watched MSNBC latley,,,,,they spin as much propaganda as fox does,,,,just because you are liberal dosent mean your side arent as big a spinners as they are,,,,it amazes me,,you hate o'reilly and sean hannity but listen to rachel maddows and "Ed",,,they are just alike,, Ed is a bully just like o'reilly and rachel maddows is just like sean hannity anything the other side is dead wrong no matter what.....point is,,you cant b*tch about propaganda when your own side is just as guilty
msnbc don't clam to be new network , like Fox clams it is .

9/14/2012 3:44:38 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

thats splitting hairs

point is,,dont call one out if your not willing to call the other out...thats 2faced

[Edited 9/14/2012 3:45:54 PM ]

9/14/2012 3:54:12 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

No msnbc say they are political Fox clam to be fair and balanced . Wwhich is BS they should just tell truth and say they are political network .

9/14/2012 4:50:59 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

thats still splitting hairs,,,who cares what anybody calls themselves,,,,both networks spin things to the way they want....

i watched MSNBC refuse to show any minority or females giving a speach at the replub convention (because there is no way they can let out the fact that some minoritys or women could possibly be republican) and all but the most famous replubs they broke into the speach (usually less than 1/2 way) to critique it and blast it

i watched fox do the same thing,,,b4 a speach was even finished they where breaking into it trying to drag it down.

just because you want to use things like "well one calls itself this and the other calls itself that" is is nothing more than splitting hairs.

BOTH companys spin,twist & tell outright lies so it comes out making their side look good and the other side look bad....just because you happen to agree with one side or the other dosent change the fact that BOTH are guilty

"well MSNBC claim to bre political & Fox claims fair and balanced".....that simply dosent mater when both are guilty of spinning,twisting & telling outright lies

to me for someone to claim they are political then tell outright lies is way worse that claiming fair and balanced,,,,fair and balanced is in the eye of the beholder,,,claiming you are political but refusing to show both sides or spinning to the side you want is immoral

[Edited 9/14/2012 4:53:33 PM ]

9/14/2012 6:41:29 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

I didn't say they both weren't political . I said Fox should be honest and admit they are . They say they are fair and balanced , that is a flat out lie . I know that , you know that . Why can't they just be honest , I bad I forgot the far right wing can't tell the truth .

9/14/2012 11:44:31 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

what you dont understand im not far right wing,,,im totally down the middle,,im part of the 90% that is sick of the partisin bullshit,,i see the 2faced on both sides

you have done everything to avoid the fact that MSNBC outright lies just like fox does...using things like "fox claims to be fair and balenced but MSNBC gets a break because they claim to be political"...A LIE IS A LIE PERIOD...and calling out the side you dont like and forgiving your side is assinine!!!!!!

i voted in my last election and when i was done i looked at my voter sheet and total what i voted for was replubican 55% and democrat 45%

its people (both parties) that vote strait down their party lines thinking their shit dont stink and the other side is the devil that is killing our country,,,,and you are part of the problem not the solution.

we are in solid gridlock in this country because nobody is willing to give a inch and the people are acting just like the polititions we claim to hate,,,,give a f**king inch on what you believe in cause you aint always f**king right!!!!!

no man i aint right or left,,,im part of the 90% that is sick of you partisin mother f**kers ruining it for the rest of us

a replub sends something through congress every democrat jumps on his high horse and stomps their feet and screams "NO NO NO i will not aprove because a replub wrote it"

a dem sends something through congress and every replub jumps on his high horse and says "NO NO NO no no no i will not approve because a dem wrote it"


9/18/2012 12:22:58 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,902)
Springfield, MO
61, joined Jun. 2011

Do you want to Know what is Really Killing this Country??? It is GREED! Greed for Money. Greed for Power. Corporations. Conglomerates. Koch Brothers. Trumps. And others whose names I can't think of. The 4hr Secret meeting to Sabbotage this countries economy as well as Obama's Presidency which took place Before the election. They knew they were going to lose after Bush. And the Very First thing out of McCain's mouth on election night was "We will Make Sure they get Nothing done". Wrongmney's smooth talker Running mate and Gingrich were Both at that meeting. No President has EVER faced this much opposition. And If you recall, Obama took hell for being TOO willing to compromise. Yet the Rs still voted Not just against the Ds and Obama. They Also voted against WE the PEOPLE! and I watch Neither of Those shows. Just so you know. You have to Open your eyes and See what is Happening. Your Ears to hear Truth. And your Heart to help you discern it. If you don't Stand for Something...(hopefully good) then you will Fall for Anything. This country should stop behaving as Sheep and Ostrich. Add. Follow the money Trail who is Paying for What and Why and what they might possibly Get out of it. Blunt is a puppet for Big Oil. His son was up for Fraud that disappeared when Daddy decided to run this last time. I live in the city sonny boy was in office in.

9/18/2012 2:02:13 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

great speach and truly spot on,,,but you missed 1 very serious point,,,,you diddent make the same speach about the side you agree with,,both sides are as guilty as the other when it comes to the strangulation of this country,,,that is what is killing this country,,,the sheeple are so hell bent on believing the propaganda that the side they like is always right that both parties put out about themselves and the propaganda that everything the party they dobnt like cant possibly EVER be right about anything............until you can make the same spew about the same party you like best instead of just finger pointing at the other you will always be a part of the problem not even close to the solution.

my momma always taught me to clean my yard b4 i trash someone elses & never finger point at someone because there will be 3 pointing back at you.

seems to me both parties need to do a lot of yard cleaning b4 they can even attempt to do any finger pointing

9/18/2012 6:54:37 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

no see thats where you are wrong,,,i am a registerd libertarian and if you look back i said it out loud i am voting for ex new mexico governer gary johnson,,,in the time he was governer he balanced the states budget (much like clinton did in the 90s) and brought a bottom 5 consistant stat to a top 20 state economy wise,,,he will end this stupid war on drugs that has accomplished nothing but waist trillions over the years and he will make the left and right work together and unblock the gridlock that the dems and repubs cant figure out how to do AND HE WILL BRING OUR TROOPS HOME FROM WHERE THEY SHOULD HAD NEVER BEEN IN THE FIRST PLACE,,,,and if the constitution dosent support it,it aint on the table,,,,no im not taking a back seat im very pro active,,,,again you are trying to take pot shots at me about my party affiliation just like you tried to tell me how my city rebuilt itself!!!!

9/18/2012 7:09:24 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

i see,,,ignoring is way easier than explaining the housing crash that the dems are responsible for and the 6 trillion in the last 4 years and the total refusal of balancing a budget the last 4 years,,,,its easier to ignore than explaine

9/19/2012 2:25:09 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,902)
Springfield, MO
61, joined Jun. 2011

yes. His vote will be wasted. Third party is used as pawns to steal votes from other parties. Plus he is Parroting rhetoric to which he appears to have little understanding. Why do you think his little boy anger is screaming for someone to explain it to him. Yet he will never truly listen as it will show clearly that he has been following misconceptions. He doesn't understand that it is OK for one to change their mind on something simply because they have new and true information. Like Most thinking rational adults already know. And yes ignoring a child that is throwing a fit Is best. They only do so if they have an audience. When they get all grown up and still haven't learned better ways of coping, then it is called having anger issues.
nap time before I have to go back to work.

9/19/2012 3:37:28 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

no i ask the questions in the dem/lib space as to how you support a party when the 10 poorest citys (9 now cause miami was explained) that the dems have controlled for 25 years or more are broken & falling apart at the seams,,,the dems caused the housing crash of 08 and the dems have had almost total control the last 6 years yet cant seem to balance the budget,,,yet you refuse to answer those 3 basic questions and make snide remarks and question my intellagence with this air of superiority and a "i am a liberal therefore im smarter than you" attitude that seems all liberals seem to carry about themselves,,i know you hear the questions cause you answer all other questions but refuse to answer those,,you just skip over them like they where never asked,,,,yes they are legit questions,,you would think as smarter than everyone who dosent agree with me attitude liberals carry themselves you would be happy to answer it.

here so its clear,,so my simple mind can comprehend ill ask in black and white.

1) the 9 poorest cities (250k or more population) are dem controlled for 25 years or more are falling apart at the seams and stone broke

2) the dems caused the housing crash of 08 through fanny mae & freddie mac led by barny frank (dem) forcing banks to take out loans from people that they knew couldent pay for them,,you can blame 'ole george bush for a lot of things but that one lands square on the dem party and barney frank

3) the dems have been in control for 6 years total control from 08 to 10 yet they still cant balance a budget

these are very simple questions yet you refuse to answer them and call me stupid for even raising them

[Edited 9/19/2012 3:38:16 PM ]

9/19/2012 5:23:30 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

thats one,,,and it may be true (sounds like more "W" bashing though) but barney frank was the seinior member over seeing it all,he bears the responsibility of it. he new it was comming and he knew he was retiring so he did nothing about it.,,,if it where the truth that its bush's fault then obama could had repealed it,,blammo problem fixed yet the housing market is still scrapping the floor,,the dems have been in charge 6 years now,when can you quit blaming bush,,,bush was in office 8 years the 8th dosent count thats lame duck repubs where in charge 6 of those years and the dems have been in charge 6 years now,,,yet everytime something isnt right they revert back to the same thing "blame bush",,its really getting old,,,as of right now since 2000 the repubs 6 years in charge and the dems 6 years in charge,,,sounds like a pretty even playing field as of right now.

i like a good "W" bashing and all but its getting tired and weak,,the dems have been in control for 6 years now,,,i am almost positive that obama will be elected again,,its there the numbers dont lie but really i cant wait to see who he blames once it term he wont be able to blame the last crew cause the last crew will be his,,,,god thats what i am so sick of,,all either party can do is point fingers at the other side and refuse to take credit when they mess up.....i have been reading a lot latley and you wouldent believe the half truths and outright lies comming from both parties

9/19/2012 10:00:14 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

yea you never said thats for sure,,you have tapped around it,called me names and done everything you could to keep from saying it,,this is the first you have even said anything that the dems just might be a part of the problem also,,your quick to jump up on the soap box and scream everything you can about the repubs but are real hesatant to say anything but praise for your party. then when you do its quickly followed with "but so was the rest of the country" then trail off on some other tangent about general grant and bush being a worse prez then him.

thats all i ever wanted was people to realize,(and yes you are very well versed on political science) that its both sides that are killing this country. the dems are spending us into oblivion 6 mother f**kin trillion dollars in 4 years we have only acumalated 10 trillion in 236 years and they have added 6 trillin thats 60% in 4 years to what has taken 236 to achieve 10t,,come on im a kindergardner with my intellagence compaired to yours and i see it.

and dont get me started on the repubs,,they spend on wars and world domination only giving scraps to the people,,,hell if the tea baggers wernt all republican id support them,all they ever wanted was a balanced budget,after you sort through all the dem propaganda thats all they ever wanted,the dems knew it but the dems over the last 6 years have proven they cant or wont balence a budget and they couldent have that so what did they do,,,oh my god here it comes,,yup,,play the race card,,the baggers are no more racist than you or i but the dems for some reason are scaird to balance a budget and that my friend send red flags flying everywhere,,we all know the race card is played when nothing else works.

and i agree george bush was a fool,,he was born into money,has had nothing but money,lived a lavish lfe and has no clue to how us lower poor people think or act or how to deal with us.

and thats why i campain so hard for a viable 3rd party,i know liberals heads are so far up the asses of the dems they cant even see a need for a 3rd party but i try and will continue to try in my rude kindergarden way.

i will say this though at least the republican sheeple see what the repubs are doing and they dont like it so atleast they are willing to entertain the idea of another party.

you have called me names,,you have ridiculed me,,hell you have even said you respect the die hard repubs more than me because im just a cheap seater stoaking the fire and at least they stand for something as i just sit back and b*tch from the cheap seats,,and you know what,,its all good my skin is thick i can take it but buddy you need to understand something,,im not stoaking fires from the cheap seats im willing to go into the lions den on both sides and call every one of you out and take all y'alls snide remarks,,,im not a dem and im not a repub i hate both parties with a passion and im campaining hard for the 3rd party because i love this country more than i think you could possibly fathom and im watching both parties kill this country little by little year after year,,,,im getting older and i have lived a hardcore life i can take whats dished out and when my time comes ill leave in a blase of glory or ill just fizzle out hell who knows but my concince will be clear knowing i did what i could do in my undereducated in your face little world to stop the madness!!! i have a little girl and she is why im fighting so hard SHE DOSENT UNDERSTAND OR DESERVE what those 2 partys are doing to this country,i look at her and i wanna cry knowing whats in her future

9/19/2012 10:08:22 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Pentopaper you ever hear of filibuster , that's all your buddies
( the Republicans ) have done the last 4 years . Don't care what you call yourself , you sound like a teabagger ,or should I say kochsucker to me !

9/19/2012 10:13:07 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Dem's 6 years , 4years filibuster !

9/19/2012 10:57:35 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

god thats all you can come up with,,,you are more niave than i am,,,go back to your rock,,suck in the propaganda that msnbc feeds you and come with your next argument,,,that argument is weak at best and laughable for the most part.

go read my last comment on the previous page to understand who and what i am

9/19/2012 11:09:19 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

I know who and what you are , and I told you who and what you are punk !

9/19/2012 11:13:08 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

eeeewww,,,bringing out the big words now i see

9/19/2012 11:17:58 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Just trying to keep to words you understand :

9/19/2012 11:31:11 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

hee-hee,,,you are a faceless shadow of a profile,,im supposed to take you serious,,,ive found people like you who resort to name calling and the like are usually little b*tch boys when confronted,,,,like woman beaters,,get em by the throat and they cry for momma,,,,,notice i diddnt call you "b*tch boy" i made the compairson...i quit calling people names when i left high school

9/19/2012 11:33:08 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

Quote from simpcounmam:
I know who and what you are , and I told you who and what you are punk !

if thats not the most juvinile statement of the day ill eat my hat

9/19/2012 11:38:18 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Yeah it was , but filibuster seemed to be over your head !

9/20/2012 12:00:18 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

ok dude,,,when you have something viable to bring to the table come attack me then,,quick assinine statements and name calling dont get it my friend,,go back to watching rachel maddow and believing the left wing spew.and get your guns in order and when you are done watching her and al sharpton attack me then with some substance,,right now you just look like a jester in the court of fools

god dykeboy,,you really let these people represent your corner,he is as bad as the right and their propaganda spewing people,,,at least we can have somewhat of a civil conversation between us,,,,this dude comes from nowhere with one liners and name calling thinking he is some kinda big shot cause he called what he percieves as a "right winger" a punk because he said so,,,geeeshe

9/20/2012 12:43:06 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

All I'm tell you is when you start that dem's for 6 years . I'm going to remind you about filibuster . If you don't like it go to another site .

9/20/2012 12:57:29 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

and if thats your only weak a** go somewhere else...clinton did it in the 90s facing a total repub congress,,,and now when your side is in charge for 6 years you wanna cry "filibuster"....take your weak a** argument to 1st grade,,maybe they will listen there

[Edited 9/20/2012 12:58:14 AM ]

9/20/2012 1:05:48 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Cassville, MO
63, joined May. 2010

Takes 60 votes to break filibuster dem's don't have it . Even the things the rep's for they filibuster . To be fair dem's did it to when W was pres. Myself I think should do away with it more would get done .

9/20/2012 1:21:28 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

no the filibuster is a good thing for both sides period,,it forces the 2 different sides to work together,,something this generation has forgot on both sides

clinton knew he was facing a total repub congress and for him to do anything he knew he had to work with them,,,,and give it to bill clinton,he f**king did...they sat down and fought it out,argued and screamed at each other and in the end we had a surplus

fast forward to today,,nobody is willing to work with anybody and its total gridlock,,,you say filibuster is bad,,i say filibuster is good,,the repubs have it and use it,,that means the dems must come to the table and work on the problems,,its not the repubs fault the dems choose gridlock over negotiations,,,its the dems that wont come to the table,,,

again i say if your only argument is "filibuster" then you only need to look at your hero bill clinton and see how he delt with it

9/20/2012 2:56:58 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

Quote from simpcounmam:
Takes 60 votes to break filibuster dem's don't have it . Even the things the rep's for they filibuster . To be fair dem's did it to when W was pres. Myself I think should do away with it more would get done .

you only dont like it now cause it works against what you want,,,,in 5 years when its on your side you will scream."the repubs wont come to the table"...god i hate the sheeple who cry when it dosent suit their needs then jump up and down and party when the same exact thing falls in their favor

9/21/2012 5:20:15 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (9,359)
Eugene, OR
54, joined Mar. 2008

Quote from pentopaper:
what you dont understand im not far right wing,,,im totally down the middle,,im part of the 90% that is sick of the partisin bullshit,,i see the 2faced on both sides

No, you're pretty much another illiterate conservative shithead, that's pretty easy to see.

You don't see anything.

You hear people saying that Fox News is propaganda (which it is) so you automatically think that anything that is counter to Fox News must be a different form of propaganda.

You haven't bothered to educate yourself and you haven't bothered to actually look at what's happening in our country today.

9/21/2012 9:03:47 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

i watch rachel maddow every night,,but i cant do "ed" he makes me wanna put a bullet in my head

9/22/2012 12:46:44 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,902)
Springfield, MO
61, joined Jun. 2011

Are you at ALL aware that the First Year Of ANY sitting President's term IS the BUDGET of the LAST sitting President?????? HMMMM??? As far as Dems in control for 6? Years???? Dems had a Short majority for a little while after Obama took office. What 165 DAYS if I'm not mistaken then reps came back into majority. Do you listen to Rush??? At least get the facts in a close ballpark. 6yrs??? and sorry to play the "race" card but where I live there is Still a LOT of Racism. So Yes it IS a Factor. And The Reps have BEEN playing the Race card. W the Birther BullShit. Now Tell me you bought into THAT one too. They TRIED to dig up Dirt, Couldn't FIND any so Made That one up. You Do know they Pay a guy Millions to come up with these Phrases and BS stuff Right?? He was Also in attendance at that meeting. And BTW. I wasn't making a Good Speach. Much of it was things I had Heard and Seen Their politicians Say with my Own Eyes and Ears. So.. Guess They Bashed themselves by Doing and Saying in the First Place. Third party may one day be a viable option. But Right Now... Even if you are Not For Obama, You KNOW. For the Sake of your Daughter, He IS BETTER than his Opposition. You Know that third party will Not win This Election. So either Don't Vote Vote and Waste it. Or Choose... the Better of the 2. And IF you Don't Vote... SHUT
the F**K UP!!! There IS an Independent Thread. This Is a Dating Sight. There are Probably Some who would Like to Meet Others who also Vote Dem. And you are messing up the Gene pool for others and missing an opportunity to Meet someone On Another Thread who feels as You do. many don't care. But Many of us DO. so Please play Somewhere ELSE!!

9/22/2012 8:47:25 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

where you are wrong is in 06 the dems took control of the house & senate then in 08 after wining the prez that gave the dems total control,,the last year was a lame duck year for bush so in reality after taking control of everything but the oval office that renderd bush a lame duck the last 2 years,,yes the dems have been in control for 6 years,,,and yes it lies flat on the dems hands,,they caused the housing crash of 08.
ff to the present,,the total gridlock now is harry reed,anything good bad or just plain crap that comes up he flat refuses to let them vote on it.
and the last 6 trillion in debt lies strait on the dems hands,,,this country fiscal house is a nightmare yet the dems are proud of the fact that they put a 31 year old college law grad (sandra fluke) on tv to whine about how the gvmnt. wont pay for her $25.00 a month birth control,give me a break,im all for helping the poor but paying for a law school grads birth control,,i guarrentee she has bra's,panties & shoes in her closet that costs more than a years worth of birth control & a $100.00 a month cell phone bill,,yet she whines about how the gvmnt. wont pay for her birth control.
and in reality,,everytime a female go's to the clinic she has the option of leaving with a brown paper bag full of condoms,i know my x wife did,(we had a blast putting them on the dogs feet),so the gvmnt. is already paying for birth control.

9/22/2012 3:30:53 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (9,359)
Eugene, OR
54, joined Mar. 2008

Quote from pentopaper:
where you are wrong is in 06 the dems took control of the house & senate then in 08 after wining the prez that gave the dems total control,,the last year was a lame duck year for bush so in reality after taking control of everything but the oval office that renderd bush a lame duck the last 2 years,,yes the dems have been in control for 6 years,,,and yes it lies flat on the dems hands,,they caused the housing crash of 08.

God you're an idiot. What are you doing here?

You know it's a liberal board, yet you pretend to be a liberal just so you can spread the same stupid hogwash that the cons are spreading over on the poli board.

Even a lame duck president can veto legislation, and without a super majority, which the democrats did have for a short period of time, but lost with the death of Kennedy (Al Franken didn't even take office for many months thanks to Coleman's lawsuits).

Could the Dems have done more? Yes, much more.

But the deregulation bullshit, and the tax cuts...that was GOP all the way.

And the Dems didn't cause the housing crash. You're just regurgitating conservative talking points.

9/22/2012 5:27:57 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (52,079)
Okmulgee, OK
50, joined Nov. 2008

god i love it,,,when the dems do something right your all over it,,when they blow it its excuse after excuse,,,yea the dems did cause the housing crash,led by barney frank and freddie mac and fannie mae. the dems in their "something for everybody" attitude thought it would make themselves look good if they could say "lookie here everybody at all the people we got houses for" and it blew up in their face when the loans went bad cause the people couldent make the baloon payments,,,,my best friend bought his in florida in 08 right in the middle of barney franks reign and in 10 his 750.00b a month payment shot to 1500.00 overnight and guess who was his lein holder,,yea fanny mae under direct authority of barney frank

9/23/2012 5:49:37 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from simpcounmam:
Why do people believe the lies they tell ?

Do your job and moderate your thread please!
You are required to block trouble makers.
This is a group not a forum.
Republicans posting here are in violation of the rules,
That's clear and printed out here at DH.

9/23/2012 5:51:46 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from pentopaper:
has anybody watched MSNBC latley,,,,,they spin as much propaganda as fox does,,,,just because you are liberal dosent mean your side arent as big a spinners as they are,,,,it amazes me,,you hate o'reilly and sean hannity but listen to rachel maddows and "Ed",,,they are just alike,, Ed is a bully just like o'reilly and rachel maddows is just like sean hannity anything the other side is dead wrong no matter what.....point is,,you cant b*tch about propaganda when your own side is just as guilty


9/23/2012 5:53:58 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from pentopaper:
thats splitting hairs

point is,,dont call one out if your not willing to call the other out...thats 2faced


9/23/2012 5:56:59 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from pentopaper:
thats still splitting hairs,,,who cares what anybody calls themselves,,,,both networks spin things to the way they want....

i watched MSNBC refuse to show any minority or females giving a speach at the replub convention (because there is no way they can let out the fact that some minoritys or women could possibly be republican) and all but the most famous replubs they broke into the speach (usually less than 1/2 way) to critique it and blast it

i watched fox do the same thing,,,b4 a speach was even finished they where breaking into it trying to drag it down.

just because you want to use things like "well one calls itself this and the other calls itself that" is is nothing more than splitting hairs.

BOTH companys spin,twist & tell outright lies so it comes out making their side look good and the other side look bad....just because you happen to agree with one side or the other dosent change the fact that BOTH are guilty

"well MSNBC claim to bre political & Fox claims fair and balanced".....that simply dosent mater when both are guilty of spinning,twisting & telling outright lies

to me for someone to claim they are political then tell outright lies is way worse that claiming fair and balanced,,,,fair and balanced is in the eye of the beholder,,,claiming you are political but refusing to show both sides or spinning to the side you want is immoral


9/23/2012 5:58:46 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from pentopaper:
what you dont understand im not far right wing,,,im totally down the middle,,im part of the 90% that is sick of the partisin bullshit,,i see the 2faced on both sides

you have done everything to avoid the fact that MSNBC outright lies just like fox does...using things like "fox claims to be fair and balenced but MSNBC gets a break because they claim to be political"...A LIE IS A LIE PERIOD...and calling out the side you dont like and forgiving your side is assinine!!!!!!

i voted in my last election and when i was done i looked at my voter sheet and total what i voted for was replubican 55% and democrat 45%

its people (both parties) that vote strait down their party lines thinking their shit dont stink and the other side is the devil that is killing our country,,,,and you are part of the problem not the solution.

we are in solid gridlock in this country because nobody is willing to give a inch and the people are acting just like the polititions we claim to hate,,,,give a f**king inch on what you believe in cause you aint always f**king right!!!!!

no man i aint right or left,,,im part of the 90% that is sick of you partisin mother f**kers ruining it for the rest of us

a replub sends something through congress every democrat jumps on his high horse and stomps their feet and screams "NO NO NO i will not aprove because a replub wrote it"

a dem sends something through congress and every replub jumps on his high horse and says "NO NO NO no no no i will not approve because a dem wrote it"



9/23/2012 6:30:27 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

The Pentopaper troll entity is not supposed to post or be in this group.
It is clearly not a Democrat or liberal and has clearly indicated as much.
Each of its posts in this group need to be flagged and reported to admin.

This is no different then men posting in womans world or women posting in the mens group.

The OP also has a resposibility to block this kind of behavior.

I can't post anymore in here because of the chatting rules,
But I'm flagging all these posts that violate the group rules.
And I'm reporting this to administration.

This is not a forum,
Its a group, there are restrictions to who should be posting here.

9/23/2012 9:18:55 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Glendale, AZ
30, joined Sep. 2012

Msnbc= truth/facts
Bashing republicans all day! Why are the polls so close tho!! Obama sould have 90% by now

9/23/2012 9:51:07 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (9,359)
Eugene, OR
54, joined Mar. 2008

Quote from pentopaper:
god i love it,,,when the dems do something right your all over it,,when they blow it its excuse after excuse,,,yea the dems did cause the housing crash,led by barney frank and freddie mac and fannie mae. the dems in their "something for everybody" attitude thought it would make themselves look good if they could say "lookie here everybody at all the people we got houses for" and it blew up in their face when the loans went bad cause the people couldent make the baloon payments,,,,my best friend bought his in florida in 08 right in the middle of barney franks reign and in 10 his 750.00b a month payment shot to 1500.00 overnight and guess who was his lein holder,,yea fanny mae under direct authority of barney frank

Assholes like you just can't get through a day without antagonizing someone, like a f**king mosquito in a dark bedroom.

Take your sorry a** to the poli forum, where this shit of yours has been debunked about a hundred times.

You're just repeating the lies that were sent to you via those insipid Republican chain emails.

For all their faults, Barney Frank and Fannie Mae did not force banks to make bad loans, and they certainly didn't force them to make ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) loans, which was a legalized form of loan-sharking. People saw their monthly payments balloon by over %300 in a matter of months.

The only people making this fictitious claim about FM are the conservatives who can't bear to admit that it was Wall Street's avarice that set off the crisis.

9/24/2012 11:12:41 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 1,000 Posts (1,521)
Dildo, NL
49, joined Jan. 2012

yea,,it may had been wall streets advice,,ya got me there,,,,but who ran with it,,,,barny frank and FM,,cause in the true democrat way,,,"give everybody something for free so they will vote for us" (just ask the people who live in the projects of chicago,they love obama),,,,to bad it blew up in their face,,now they wont own it,,they make excuses like "well it was wall streets idea"

here is a novel idea you can run with,,,just keep printing money,,hows that one working out,,,i just paid 3bux for a loaf of bread

[Edited 9/24/2012 11:14:12 PM ]

9/24/2012 11:17:27 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 1,000 Posts (1,521)
Dildo, NL
49, joined Jan. 2012

Quote from chrisbrz:
The Pentopaper troll entity is not supposed to post or be in this group.
It is clearly not a Democrat or liberal and has clearly indicated as much.
Each of its posts in this group need to be flagged and reported to admin.

This is no different then men posting in womans world or women posting in the mens group.

The OP also has a resposibility to block this kind of behavior.

I can't post anymore in here because of the chatting rules,
But I'm flagging all these posts that violate the group rules.
And I'm reporting this to administration.

This is not a forum,
Its a group, there are restrictions to who should be posting here.

omg,,,now we got a 5yr. old tattletale,,,,,"teacher hes not supposed to be here" boo-hoo

9/25/2012 4:53:27 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from pento105:
omg,,,now we got a 5yr. old tattletale,,,,,"teacher hes not supposed to be here" boo-hoo

Go f**k yourself scab loser.
What makes you think your supposed to be posting in this group?

You've admitted your not a liberal or democrat, do you think its okay for you to post in the womans world group too?

Your not above the rules .

9/25/2012 5:17:02 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (9,359)
Eugene, OR
54, joined Mar. 2008

Quote from chrisbrz:
Go f**k yourself scab loser.
What makes you think your supposed to be posting in this group?

You've admitted your not a liberal or democrat, do you think its okay for you to post in the womans world group too?

Your not above the rules .

I totally agree with you Chris, but apparently since he's a conservative he can do whatever the f**k he wants around here.

I finally just blocked him

Let him jack off by himself.

9/25/2012 6:07:48 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (15,780)
Wilmette, IL
43, joined May. 2011

Quote from nanu45:
I totally agree with you Chris, but apparently since he's a conservative he can do whatever the f**k he wants around here.

I finally just blocked him

Let him jack off by himself.

How Dumb is our lost Sooner PentoTroll? Well let's examine the the evidence.

Typical Sooner Click Me- #1 rated show in Oklahoma

A very accurate clip of the Okie gene defect-
Conversation with a Sooner Click Me

If you run into one of these SoonerTrolls just douse them with water, they have a severe reaction to bathing.

Omg, you can't make this stuff up!
More Sooner Brilliance Click Me

10/7/2012 9:57:58 PM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  
Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Jul. 2012

People who think like I do
How refreshing!!!

10/8/2012 1:31:27 AM Fox Porpaganda Network ( aka ) Fox News  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,902)
Springfield, MO
61, joined Jun. 2011

Quote from letsgobucs:
People who think like I do
How refreshing!!![/quot

Isn't it though. I get Soooo tired of talking politics to a rep. I know they say never talk politics or religion. But if you really want to know about someone... Those are the very 2 things you should discuss. It can save you Years.