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12/3/2012 11:30:50 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

Here is a handy calculator that will tell you how much Obama care will cost you. If you are on Social Security and under 65 you're gonna really take a hit because you won't have health insurance, you'll be on Medicaid.

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12/4/2012 11:43:18 AM Health Care Costs  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,851)
Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009

Quote from 58dpilot:
Here is a handy calculator that will tell you how much Obama care will cost you. If you are on Social Security and under 65 you're gonna really take a hit because you won't have health insurance, you'll be on Medicaid.

if you're on ss and under sixty five you're on ss disability which entitles you to medicare after two years. best to read the law itself than to rely on internet websites.

12/4/2012 12:14:37 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

No. You're on Medicaid until 65. You're also on Medcaid rather than a real insurance plan in many instances based on your particular age and income. The cut off for that is a family income of about $30,000. Make less than that, you get Medicaid which is exactly what states seem to be stuggling with figuring out how to afford to pay for it.

12/4/2012 12:32:26 PM Health Care Costs  

Newark, NY
28, joined Nov. 2011

The law is supposed to exempt people eligible for medicaid from paying the fine.

Of course, the people just above the poverty level tend not to be eligible for medicaid, despite still barely being able to afford to live as is. But nobody ever thinks about them.

12/4/2012 1:16:53 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

When they started Medicare it was supposed to cost 11 billion over the first 10 years. Actual cost was 120 billion. Obama care won't be different. I suspect even the dems will want to make some big changes as that bears out. It will probably cost more than the rest of government put together.

12/4/2012 1:51:44 PM Health Care Costs  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,851)
Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009

Quote from 58dpilot:
No. You're on Medicaid until 65. You're also on Medcaid rather than a real insurance plan in many instances based on your particular age and income. The cut off for that is a family income of about $30,000. Make less than that, you get Medicaid which is exactly what states seem to be stuggling with figuring out how to afford to pay for it.

then why do i have a medicare card and not a medicaid card in my wallet???? i suppose you can reference that portion of the act that suggests that ss disability beneficiaries under age 65 will lose their medicare benefits. if so it should be a simple matter for you to copy/paste it here.

12/4/2012 3:03:46 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

Quote from jrbogie1949:
then why do i have a medicare card and not a medicaid card in my wallet???? i suppose you can reference that portion of the act that suggests that ss disability beneficiaries under age 65 will lose their medicare benefits. if so it should be a simple matter for you to copy/paste it here.

Because you are still under the old system. Obamacare is not fully in effect yet.

12/5/2012 9:15:57 AM Health Care Costs  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,851)
Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009

perhaps you can reference in the obamacare act where it says that ss recipients under age 65 will loose medicare benefits. don't send me to another site, simply show me where in the legislation i can read it for myself.

12/5/2012 12:47:26 PM Health Care Costs  
Townsend, MA
67, joined Sep. 2012

Quote from jrbogie1949:
perhaps you can reference in the obamacare act where it says that ss recipients under age 65 will loose medicare benefits. don't send me to another site, simply show me where in the legislation i can read it for myself.

There you go again, John, making sense.

12/5/2012 12:53:15 PM Health Care Costs  
Townsend, MA
67, joined Sep. 2012

BTW, it is my understanding there are 3 wasy to get medicare under age 65.

1 - if you have a disability and have been receiving SSDI for more than 24 months a claimant can have medicare on the 25th check. It is automatic.

2 - End stage Renal Failure with dialysis or a kidney transplant - can apply for medicare up to 12 onths retroactive and get SSDI.

3 - ALS diagnosis comes with Medicare the first month of SSDI.

Frankly, Medicaid is often better than Medicare, IMO - but I'm not an insurance expert, so whadda I know?

12/5/2012 7:50:19 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

Medicare is unsustainable in itself, add Obamacare and the outlook is even more depressing. I'm providing a link to the government's own study below. Enjoy it from the horse's mouth!

12/5/2012 8:11:35 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

It gets worse. The Obama administration’s congressional allies botched the drafting of the health care exchange aspect of the health care overhaul, as the plain language of Obamacare doesn’t empower federal exchanges to distribute taxpayer-funded subsidies to individuals; it empowers only state-based exchanges to distribute the subsidies.

So far only 17 states have agreed to set up exchanges and over 1/3 of states have flatly refused to set them up. Republican governors Scott Walker, John Kasich, Sam Brownback, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Nathan Deal, Paul LePage, Robert Bentley, Mary Fallin, and Sean Parnell have said they’ll refuse to set up the exchanges in their states.

In Missouri voters approved a ballot measure to vest authority over the decision in the Republican-led state legislature, rather than leaving it up to the Democratic governor. Missouri will not be establishing an exchange.

Utah governor Gary Herbert expressed civil disobedience saying that his state will continue to pursue “our version of an exchange based on defined contribution, consumer choice, and free markets” that is plainly banned by Obamacare.

With all these states refusing to set up exchanges, how is the Federal government going to distribute the subsidies and how is HHS going to be able to develop federal exchanges to "replace" the missing state exchanges in time?

Next up they will contract with a favored private insurance company to help them, probably one that will be competing with other insurance companies for business and probably one that has it's call center assistance based in the Phillipines, India, or Indonesia.

Obamacare is developing into an abortion and because the law will not pay for abortions can Obamacare pay for itself?

12/5/2012 9:22:55 PM Health Care Costs  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,851)
Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009

so no reference to the actual act regarding ss beneficiaries losing medicare.

12/5/2012 10:01:53 PM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

Quote from jrbogie1949:
so no reference to the actual act regarding ss beneficiaries losing medicare.

Don't know. Chasing my own thread here. Why don't you go look to see if it affects you. It won't affect me, at least not yet. I have Tricare and can use militry facilities in the rare instances I can actually get in.

12/6/2012 8:45:17 AM Health Care Costs  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,851)
Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009

i have looked.

12/6/2012 11:18:39 AM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

Good for you. CBO's report predicting a depression within 10 years only considered the cost of Obamacare at 631 billion a year. The actual cost will likely be about 10 times that for reasons I stated in other posts.

Liberals don't use reality to develop their agendas. They manufacture "facts" out of thin air that are not. That is the largest part of the problem with the mental illness called liberalism. Liberals simply cannot and are incapable of understanding that just because they think so doesn't necessarily make anything so.

12/9/2012 10:24:38 AM Health Care Costs  

Springdale, AR
62, joined May. 2012

The plot thickens: