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Clint Eastwood for President
by josephfromabove at 8/31/2012 6:24:43 PM

He was talking into thin air last night,before Romney made his "speech" and made more sense than the two running, let's get Clint to run.


8/31/2012 6:29:08 PM

Good Evening, i saw that, i thought it was funny, some liked it, and some not..

8/31/2012 6:36:56 PM

He had some issues with his talking abilities, but that didn't stop Reagan He could always say he didn't remember

8/31/2012 6:55:15 PM

He's all the news people would talk about tonight, and Romney is getting steamed.

8/31/2012 7:15:49 PM

I am entitled to my opinion, as you are yours Marycontrary. Did they save any for Romney?

8/31/2012 7:29:37 PM

"old Lean and Mean" I always used to say that we lost the last American Man when John Wayne Passed, but Clint Eastwood had been a worthy standard bearer. I loved it when he said to the "Invisibel" Obama, "Do you want to say anything to Romney?" and then" Oh I cant tell him that!"

8/31/2012 7:30:36 PM

I've never voted cause I'm one of those lesser of 2 evil thinking people but I'd vote for Clint.

8/31/2012 7:31:51 PM

The power of suggestion wins again.

8/31/2012 7:36:18 PM

You are right Joseph.. I probably wouldn't have thought about it. I'm not big on politics.

8/31/2012 8:02:34 PM

Don't get worked up Mary, I made the statement your have you opinion not as a criticism, but just a statement, so I did not take anything wrong. I do not squabble over politics it is a waste of time. I form my opinions and thoughts, and keep them to myself, or close to the vest as you have said, and then vote. Chocholics you are intelligent but your picture makes you look uncertain. Be like Mary, and don't post a picture and spit fire every chance you get....Is it time for my Flack jacket and helmet yet?

8/31/2012 8:06:09 PM

Oh and Liz it is decent of you to stop by, and you as well Leslie

8/31/2012 8:57:56 PM

there all bought and paid for.

9/1/2012 8:02:34 AM

They're all bought and paid for by whom?

9/1/2012 10:04:17 AM

There are powerful people who finance Politicians either because they wish to have an effect on policy or believe fervently in the particular platform of one party or another, or they realize that "whales" receive benefits from those in power in Washington...Whether those benefits are exemptions (ie GE exempted from Obamacare) or "favors" which will enhance the companies growth and "bottom line" (Ie Halliburton) It is a rich tradition that has existed from colonial days and probably will go on til the end of this Country's soverinity...

9/1/2012 7:52:17 PM

Leslie this country's sovereignty was signed away by Ronald Reagan in the 1980's, and that is a matter of public record. Lobbyists as far as I am concerned should be deported to Guantanomo Bay permanently.

9/3/2012 5:36:47 PM

this country's sovereignty was signed away by Ronald Reagan in the 1980's, and that is a matter of public record. Lobbyists as far as I am concerned should be deported to Guantanomo Bay permanently. I totally agree,