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IOC and bird friendly coffee
by josephfromabove at 9/1/2012 6:47:58 PM

You walk outside, and see the wide array of birds and songbirds. Do you realize where they go during the winter? Many have to go to the Carribean islands to winter. In Costa Rica where the prime crop is coffee, they used to ALL strip the land, and plant only coffee beans. This also consumed 16,000 acres of wood per year for drying the coffee. Now there is a new method called I.O.C. Integrated Open Canopy, where the coffee beans are grown along with indigenous plants and trees to support the animals, and importantly the birds that migrate there. Jamaica has black mangrove forests that are rare, and very few left where the birds winter, many have become resorts, asphalt, and concrete has replaced natural habitat and the birds are dieing off. They do wonderous things for people, they pollinate flowers, eat insects such as billions of mosquitos, they spread seeds, the list goes on the benefits they bestow upon us. They are the winged angels of God. So when you are peering out your window, or on your deck slurping that cup of coffee, and wondering why there aren't as many birds as there used to be perhaps you are the reason. I do not drink coffee, but there are bird friendly coffee growers, so why not check it out. Now some of the coffee chains use central, and south american coffee where huge land plots are clear cut and planted, and their birds are getting more rare also. Now they are using solar driers, powered just like the solar heaters of your house, So go green coffee, and be a bird friendly coffee drinker, before they are all gone, and the songs go silent forever.


9/2/2012 9:03:03 AM

I recall hiking about in the mountains on Rhodes...and wondering "Where are the birds?" then I found out that even small boys there place some kind of glue on the branches of the trees to catch the birds, then they roast then over an open fire and each the little things, sort of "trail mix style" as a resul the fly problem is immense, to say nothing of tossing food out the front door into the street which brings a million yellow jackets to feast on it..Of course the Greek ladies scrub down the streets of the village everymorning (very clean people). but the damage is done, the birds are in danger....

9/3/2012 11:18:58 AM

This world is becoming Charlton Heston's Movie Soylent Green rapidly.

9/3/2012 12:43:04 PM

When I was a "newbie" over there in the village I was careful not to make any comments about centuries old tradition that seems tomake no sense in todays world....for instance...olive picking season brings us all into the olive groves where we picke the ripe olives fromthe floor under the trees...The prickly scrub that also thrives there will leave your hands bleeding after just one day of picking...I suggested that a "tarp" even a blue tarp which are available there could be weighted down and make the picking so much easier...grim lips and cold eyes I just greased my hands with antibiotic creme....

9/3/2012 5:33:06 PM

So you think we are becoming cannibalistic ? "This world is becoming Charlton Heston's Movie Soylent Green rapidly" I do know for a fact chicken houses use feed made with chicken parts. They feed us all kinds of crap. Wow glue on tree limbs? That's just sad when the mind can think of nothing else except to harm.