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Intriguing second date conversations...
by dawgpaws at 1/23/2013 8:02:41 AM
Him: You’ve lost your earring.
Me: (distractedly) Huh?
Him: I thought you'd want to know - you lost your other earring.
Me: Oh, thanks. It's not an earring. I just wear the one.
Him: No, the earring with the crescent moon.
Me: Yes, that one. It is hearing aid bling.
Him: What’s that?
Me: A hearing aid decoration. A kid named Hayleigh makes them for people who wear hearing aids.
Him: What hearing aid?
Me: The one I wear.
Him: You don't have a hearing problem.
Me: Yes, I do. Remember? I told you about it before.
Him: (laughing a little) Maybe I have early stage dementia
Me: (rolling eyes) If you say so.
Him: I can’t see it.
Me: The hearing aid?
Him: Nods
Me: That is why I wear hearing aid bling. To remind others that I have hearing loss.
Him: What does that have to do with your lost earring?
Me: (mildly annoyed) I haven’t lost an earring. See? It is on the hearing aid wire, not my ear lobe.
Him: Why don’t you wear it on the other side too?
Me: Because I don’t have a hearing aid on that side.
Him: Why not?
Me: Because that ear is totally deaf.
Him: Well if you’re deaf, why don’t you wear a hearing aid?
Me: (loud slapping sound of palm connecting with face ) I do wear a hearing aid – on the one ear I have some hearing in. The other ear is deaf. Finished. Kaput! No hearing aid can help it.
Him: But you hear just fine.
Me: No, I don’t. If I did I would not have told you to get my attention first so I know you are talking to me.
Him: Do you want me to help look for your lost earring?
Him: Don’t get mad at me. I’m just the messenger.
Me: (raising hand) Waiter! Waiter! Can I have the check now? (smiling brittley) You know, "Bob" I forgot, I've got an appointment. I'll catch the tab. Sorry, but I really have to go now.