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I am WOMAN... hear me ROAR little boy.
by azraelangel at 2/2/2013 12:04:09 AM

I have remained mostly silent for the past few weeks, due to having a life. (sorry to those asking why I haven't been blogging) But I have noticed a disturbing amount of stupid questions and comments to the forums and the status thread. To those who know me... you know I can't keep my mouth shut about a damn thing...... so here goes. If you are new to my blogs........ please feel free to catch up. I rarely delete them.

so anyway.... back to these stupid Q/C's.

1) Why do so many of the woman here have kids?

wow. just..... wow. Let's think about this a minute. most first marriages are between the ages of 18 and 25..... half of those end in the first year. out of those marriages, safely assume half were due to a pregnancy, or already born kid. Now think of all the young men you know who have a random babby mommo somewhere they didn't marry and just ditched. add them to the tally. I am one of this group myself. Think about it. So, safe to asume at least half of people over 25 have at least one child. of that half, most are single. And for all those to slow to keep up...... It takes two to make a baby........ and a lot of "men" (I use the term loosely) have children by two or more woman. The woman are just the ones who step up and raise their babbies. And before any of you GOOD fathers get your tighty whitey's in wad, I speak of MOST men on the SITE. not all fathers. I know many great Dad's.... just not many on these sites. But then..... I don't take them that seriousely. so anyway..... that is just the 18 to 25 group..... now add in the 26 to 40 who still have school aged teenagers..... I am also in this group as well.

2) Why you woman wait so long to meet and play hard to get?

o.k...... STOP..... right there. ANYone who is in that big of a rush to meet me puts red flashing lights up. Personally, I have had a few scary experiences off of these sites, and I am a very carefull person who never meets people in dark allies so to speak. I am also knowledgeable in self defense, and am a cocky and street smart person. school of hard knocks all tyhe way, the AVERAGE female..... not quite so much. Not that I am saying I am a total badass or anything, but I have a teenage daughter..... I am about to move out of state because it s so violent here. Woman in general are not prepared for the psychos around here. Anyone who is that impatient, is probably insane.

3) people joining the site and whining a day or so later because they are still single. see point number 2. I don't know what fairytale you think you are in, but people are complex. No one falls in love over the computer, not in reality. ever here the song "I am so much cooler online" I forget who sings it, but I am sure someone will post it below later. I have been in a few relationships off these sites.... I got HORROR stories...... hence why this is a social site like facebook for me, only I get to blog here, and I don't get bothered with game requests. You don't truely love someone unless you accept their flaws. and most of those, they aren't even aware of. So how could they possibly tell you about them in advance?

4) Just plain being to seriouse about these sites.

Here we are, back to that song again. These sites are a fantasy world. Very few people(other than my loud mouthed and often rude self) are totally honest on here. Hell, everything from marital status to first name can, and often is, bullshit. Would you automatically believe someone you met randomly on the street? Hell, I dunno about you, but when random people come up to me on the street, I am a bit uncomfortable. my first thought is always "what do you want.... I don't know you". But, perhaps I am just a tad antisocial. I like to think I am catiouse. after all, like I said, their are crazy people out there. which is a point in itself. I never take anyone off of the computer seriousely until I have known them a few months. A friendship needs to develope. I find most people are just wanna be actors. They put on a false frount to the world, but eventually the facade crumbles.... leaving the stark flawed reality exposed. withen minutes someone you called friend gets called a**hole.

So here is my latest long awaited rant. Forgive me if it is a tad random, as I am exhausted and sorta rambling. much love.


2/2/2013 12:57:37 AM

Very cool blog, great job.

2/2/2013 11:40:58 AM

While I agree with everything you've posted... I do have to point out one little tiny, minsucle thing... Up until NOW or relitivly soon 2015.. Men haven't really had control of if/when they get a lady preggers... sure we got condoms (might as well leave your pants on and go home) We got abistance.. I'm a man.. not a nun.. and we gots the good ol' vasctomy No, real control of our choice of when we as men would like/be ready to have a child.. BUT, right now.. Going through clinical trials in India is an exciting "new" birth control procedure for men that is 100% effective and will last up to 10 years and it's reversable!! (google RISUG OR Vasalgel) It is a gel that coats the entire vas defrens.. It creates a toxic enviroment that kills sperm as they pass through it.... Simalar to a spermcide,but more concentrated.. The implications of this are staggering.. My state already pays for vasctomies, imigine when this gets approval in this country?? That is if the big pharmacies who make billions off of female birth control allow it to pass through the F.D.A.'s system.. One of the hugest benefits is... A parent finds out their 14y/o son is sexually active.. You can either "have the talk with him" or have him take responsiability of his role as a young man in bringing an accidental child in to the world.. If he chooses, take him down to your planned parenthood and free of charge have this procedure done.. He'll be "protected" until the age of 24.. or he can have it dissolved at any time after he's 18.. Or "falls in love".. Doesn't mean ladies don't have their responsiability for birth control.. BUT it finally puts some responsiabily on the man and gives men the choice when or if they even want a child.. 15 minutes in a Dr.s office for 10 yrs. of "protection" vs 18 years of unwanted child support...

2/2/2013 12:33:44 PM

Off topic posts will be deleted. this is not a place for your half assed opinions or half assed "research", or advertizing your crap, your job....ect. ESPECIALLY when it is inaccurate.