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by camperpaul at 2/27/2013 8:39:10 PM

WTF is this BS?
  1. Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City is financing the campaign of Robin Kelly, an anti-gun candidate to replace Jessie Jackson Jr. (D-IL) who resigned from congress when he was charged with misuse of campaign funds.
    So far Bloomberg has spent more than $2,200,000, mostly on TV commercials.
    See: NY Times article.

  2. Because of the upcoming sequestration, the idiot in the White House has ordered the release of thousands of illegal aliens who are being held in county and city jails all over the country.
    See: Examiner article.

  3. The sequestration is being touted as a catastrophic reduction in government spending, when it is really a reduction in the needless increases in spending.

  4. Obama claims the Republicans are holding the country hostage when in fact it is Obama holding the country hostage because he wants to increase taxes on those who have the ability to create jobs.

  5. Leonard Goldberg flies American, Illinois and Chicago flags above the Geneva Seal Jewelry store in the 100 block of East Oak Street in Chicago but some of the other businesses don't think it fits with the decor of the upscale street.
    Goldberg received a letter from the Oak Street Council this week, a group dedicated to maintaining the street's unique aesthetic. It said the flags were a direct violation of the city's sign ordinance, and threatens to send an inspector and issue a fine if the flags aren't down by next Friday.
    Source: NBC Chicago

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2/27/2013 8:46:10 PM

Vote that bum Bloomberg out all ready. People need to wake up. America is in trouble if it keeps going the way it is.

2/27/2013 8:57:24 PM

Maybe the people of Illinois can form a "Super-PAC" and run our own candidate for mayor of New York.

Life is the journey, not the destination.

2/27/2013 10:20:14 PM

The state of Indiana in a case of premature sequestration has already suspended all payments of extended unemployment compensation to their eligible state residents.Tell these poor suckers who won't be getting a check that it's all a political squabble,that won't put food in their stomachs.Maybe Bloomburg would finally like to see someone honest elected to that congressional seat??Bloomburg is already beyond what used to be the term limits for NYC mayor,I guess the New York voters think he does a very good job!!

2/28/2013 12:39:22 AM

2/28/2013 1:23:29 AM

We are all going to suffer because the Clueless relected this Bozo... this is just one of the many things this Nation is in for the next 4 or more because of this President..

2/28/2013 7:38:36 AM

The elected in Washington, D.C. need time out and take their punishment. (Time to go back to school) They are acting just like High School Students. To explain: On one hand, " If you don't do what I say, I will hurt your Family" On the other hand, "I don't care if you hurt my family". So on and on we go. No problems solved there. A selfish way to do business. Re: to illegals. Let them out of Jail, but be sure you keep Americans in Jail. Keep head up, walk with pride...We are still Americans.

2/28/2013 8:25:04 AM

Have to respectfully disagree here Paul as Bush cut taxes to the rich. No jobs were created and the budget deficit balloned much like it did when Reagan cut taxes. Obama isn't raising taxes to the rich - he is simply letting Bush tax cuts expire

2/28/2013 9:57:57 PM

There is no one so blind as one who refuses to see.

3/2/2013 2:35:41 AM

cheer up . onely 3 years and 9 months or so of obama left! tx . bull, others

3/2/2013 9:38:42 PM

Hi Terry I guess we could start a count down.