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Random Rant!
by kananismommy at 4/21/2013 2:04:33 PM

Life isnt short, its pretty f**king long. YOLO's gay. Skinny girls, you're not fat. Every decent guy you are looking for is probably in your friendzone. Guys if you sleep around, you'll end up with a slut. No, lil wayne, drake and wiz khalifa are not f**king philosophers, thats a quote on a picture dumbass. Anyone who says stop acting black "Wen U talk lyke dis #SWAG", you're a racist, black people dont talk like that. Guys have some respect, at the end of the day, drunk or sober, girls are still human. Girls, if you put pictures like that on facebook you WILL attract creepy a**holes, its your own damn fault. You do drugs? Okay, so do 90% of teenagers, so stop telling everyone how awesome you are because you got sooooooo f**ked up last night and cant even remember what you did. Honestly nobody cares. If everyone would just stop and realize that you're acting like an imaginary bunch of 'reality' t.v stars, maybe we wouldnt be such a f**ked up generation!