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You better believe it
by dawgpaws at 4/21/2013 5:36:24 PM

You know how some guy says, "No woman wants to be with me." He is telling you his truth. Really, listen to him. Move along, nothing here to see.

And some gals say that all men do nothing but hurt them? Believe that too. You can't rescue a victim from herself (or himself).

So often in life people say things to me that are warning signs. I used to think, "He's not serious. No one would REALLY want to be the leader of a cult." Boy was I ever wrong! He really DID want to be a cult leader and eventually he made it happen. Taught me a real lesson about listening to what people say.

So when someone tells me that no one could ever like them, I pretty much say, "Thanks for the information" and move on. Oh, I might be an acquaintance, but never more. Maybe I give them information on how to locate a 12 step group or a therapist, but that's about it - unless or until they get to a head space where they value themselves again.

If someone tells you they're just a loser , for heaven's sake, don't invest time trying to fix them when they've already established their life script. If you really like a challenge, then go to school and become a therapist so you can get paid for your time fixing people like that.

This does say something about how we describe ourselves to others. We do it in blogs where we call exes vile names. Rule those folks out - whether it is in a blog or in real life. These are angry, bitter, blaming people who need to deal with their own issues before they're fit for man or woman.

I've heard people say, "No one could ever want me because I'm...." (insert problem) to which I've come to agree. "You're absolutely right - as long as you feel that way, no one will."

And me? I'm still pretty much here for the blogs and the forums. I think people are generally interesting creatures to watch. I'm still Hard of Hearing going on Deaf and I'm actually fine with that. I still enjoy keeping busy and I still think most dogs are better company than most humans because dogs never lie, don't judge, and just want to have good times. And every day that goes by I get a little older, which is great because the alternative is to be six feet under. Personally, I'm all for being above ground, rather than below ground!

Do I wish my life was better? Sure, I'd like to be as fit as a some fitness guru, be able to do Tai Chi like a Master , and make as much money writing as David Baldacci. Gives me something to work towards.

How about you? What do you believe about yourself? And what are you telling others?


4/21/2013 5:45:53 PM

Very good blog we feel about ourselves does reflect on others.

4/21/2013 5:46:30 PM

Daw, I always enjoy reading you and I also agree with you on all counts in this blog. Bravo! Well done!

4/21/2013 5:47:42 PM

very interesting observation on your part. Made me think about something that I always say....and will stop saying it...Could be putting out bad vibes....

4/21/2013 6:03:33 PM

Hi Val, thanks for stopping by. You're so right - how we feel about ourselves does reflect on others.

Hi Tat! Nice to hear from you! Is is getting warm enough for coffee?

Irishlady, I try to monitor what I say, although sometimes my mouth slips a gear . It is so easy to put something out there that is less than helpful. Nice to chat!

4/21/2013 6:05:27 PM

dawg, it is more how I feel about myself what I say....and your blog made me think about it....

4/21/2013 6:17:04 PM

OIC, IrishLady, well, I'm glad you now have food for thought. I always enjoy chewing on a concept.

4/21/2013 6:31:19 PM

I really liked your blog, Dawgpaws! I hope those of us who have caught ourselves saying such self-derogatory comments will realize the true effect they are having. They are deceiving themselves if they think folks will feel sorry for them; rather, they will be driven away. I think there is something to the "law of attraction" we hear bandied about...

Myself? I believe I still have much potential unreached. And I have learned to keep striving no matter how difficult it may seem. That wonderful thing called hope accompanies me.

4/21/2013 8:27:25 PM

Dawg Like you I listen to what a person says. I trust that, they know themselves better than anyone else does. The problem is, it makes it easier and easier to walk away from a potential partner but I want a partner who like himself, has conservative values and can keep up with me(or catch me).

I cant imagine your hearing difficulty being a problem for a potential partner. I have a great friend who only has a little hearing in one ear so he has one hearing aid. I make sure to walk on his hearing aid side and sit at tables so he can hear the server in a restaurant. Little things make it easier for him and no trouble for me. We both like company when we go out so we go together frequently. We talk for hours to each other and have the ability to solve the worlds problems over a dinner, hearing is not a problem.

4/21/2013 10:09:28 PM

re: hearing problems I was reading the response of a woman to an advice column this morning who advised people to speak slowly and enunciate consonants clearly in order to help people who are hard of hearing as she was. Then she went on to tell of her going out to dinner with her husband to celebrate her new $6000 hearing aids. She could hear her waiter but couldn't understand him as he had just had his tongue pierced! Sometime you just can't win!

4/21/2013 10:29:00 PM

I absolutely agree with you Dawg! I think that you attract what you emote. If you are a negative thinking person, you will attract the same. If you have a low self esteem, you will attract someone that thrives on that. I tend to try to find the good in all - does it always work? No but I'd rather still try to find the positive side of all situations. Does it make me a bit naive? Maybe but I'd still rather try to find the good. Not only is my glass half full but I would happily share it! Nice blog! kp

4/22/2013 12:29:31 AM

Great Blog! I was wondering why it took me until 50 to learn to listen to what people say about themselves and others … and, yes, I learned it the hard way. But now I have had 20+ years to listen careful and use discernment in choosing close friends. I have the most awesome friends. I am happy when I take care of my grandchildrens' critters. Walking with Wally, their 100 pound puppy, at the dog park is such great joy and he always checks on me between his romps with his Huskie friends. He also comes to check on me in the middle of the night.

4/22/2013 3:34:27 AM

Funny but True.

4/22/2013 7:13:03 AM

go09, thanks for stopping by! I think we all have untapped potential, and I hope well continue to attempt to develop it! Gave a great day!

txangel, yes, it does make it easier to skedaddle, but it also prevents major problems as well. I prefer the latter. I think you have your priorities straight in what you want in a match - so hang tight.

As to hearing problems, they can range from mildly annoying to vast. Mine are closer to vast. I use a lot of high priced technology and I am learning American Sign Language. There will come a day when it is my language and then any partner will need to know it, so there's that as well.

nenebubbles, yup, it is amazing that we don't think people are being serious, or we consider it a challenge. And the dog cozies up with me at night just to let me know he loves me.

Glad you found humor in the day, justapal.

4/22/2013 7:21:23 AM

Heard that once or similar thing your talking about from a woman I met. She said " My last husband was better off without me" - old drug counseling ears caught that one and when she didn't want to meet again I sure didn't mind

4/22/2013 11:00:41 AM

LOL Elvissings. Hi & thanks for stopping by.