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by dawgpaws at 5/17/2013 7:54:39 AM

Sometimes when there is great drama in life one first fights against it and then becomes appalled by it. That is the point in which one can often lose hope.
It hasn't been easy to accept that the injuries I received in the accident were severe enough that it is going to take me months to recover and some parts of me may never fully recover
And of course, one crisis is never Sufficient, one must have at least two or three running on the side all the time just to round things out
I have relearned what I already knew, that a state of high anxiety over things one cannot control does not make it any better. I have learned that my expectations about individuals I thought were true friends and have not been, were again just those kinds of things that can lead to resentments
I have much to be thankful for. I am alive. I will eventually heal. Since I can't type I do have money to buy DragonDictate And for now the dictation feature on my iPhone will suffice..,sorta
I have a grove. In other parlance I would suggest it is a church. It's small less than two dozen members. They had a bread baked and mass cooking and yesterday brought prepackaged meals that going to the microwave from freezer so that I can just stick them in and have nourishing food. I must submit that figuring out quite how to eat it without full use of both hands sort of exciting. I have come to conclude that the dogs seem to have the right of method of approach. 
I am where I need to be. Right now. My daughter has taken me home and provides a great deal of care for me since I cannot be alone right now. I am with my grandchildren and my daughter and her fiancé in a very small place and it's where we all need to be right now. Fortunately we all have a Program.
It's not about money. It's not about things. It's about people. It's about family it's about friends and it's recognizing that sometimes you have to accept that where you are ... right now in this moment... Is where your higher power has decided you need to be for your next lesson.