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A look back on the Religious Right
by b002013 at 12/1/2013 2:10:31 AM

In the last 4 years I have been learning much about the Christian Right, and what I am learning is explaining a lot about what's going on today with the Republican party and where it's headed. I was going to post this but I had posted my limit of threads for today, so I thought i would put it here until I can post it.

Far Right Wing Holy Terror

Part II


12/1/2013 3:52:19 AM

I have little use for the religious right - especially in the white house making laws for their religious views Really like how they pray before they send troops out to drop bombs

12/6/2013 1:45:22 PM

What is amazing is how long they have been able to remain fairly hidden from view. Which I suppose says a lot about who little Americans know about politics and their influence on politics. Hell I was clueless about the extent of their influence myself, for almost 2 decades.