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thunderstorms... oh yeaaahhhh
by gti_2nr at 8/30/2008 12:27:32 AM

i absolutely love thunderstorms!! im from new jersey so im used to big storms so it makes me laugh when people here freak out like "oh my god look outside its raining!" n they make a whole big deal over that. seriously?? youve never seen rain? do you need an explanation on how storms form?? calm down haha.

but tonight and last night have been like lightning laser shows here. TOTALLY AWESOME!

it was pouring and thundering, at one point i thought the windows at work were gonna shatter.

i think thunderstorms are so romantic. absolutely the perfect time for some lovin! haha just kidding =] or am i.....


8/30/2008 1:35:02 PM

thats how it is here people are like in co some people retarded retards

9/2/2008 3:35:39 PM

I here that. Im from Cape Cod Massachusetts these arizona peeps dont know what real rain is!