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Somebody special
by jacky157 at 10/4/2008 10:51:36 PM

I just wanna ask someone I know to answer these questions,

Could you ever love someone that is very far away from you?

Could you ever be patient and wait til they come home to you from the war to tell them you love them?

Could you stay faithful to them,and just have the guts to feel the way you did when they left to go to war ?

Can you GUYS ever tell your loved one how you feel about them HONESTLY?


10/23/2008 10:32:14 PM

I would! by being away from the person you love the most and seeing that person back in your life it's an incredible feeling of happiness and joy because that love remains equal as the day you met that lovely person, and for that I Conclude I FLIPPING LOVE YOU LIZ from me Johnny Urb...