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by shyoneinfl at 10/5/2008 9:18:33 AM

How can anyone tell if anyone is truly being honest with you when you can't look them in the eyes 
I guess you try to go on instinct but that's pretty hard on a computer isn't it?
I would truly like to meet the guy of my dreams on here
and recent pics guys using old pics is pretty deceiteful in my book and I know for a fact that you guys sure don't like it when women do that so be honest and just be yourselves,that is how I am and if people don't like me for who I am then I"m truly sorry for them, because they sure don't know what a good person they are missing out on 
Sometimes I think I give to much of myself to others and not enough for me but that's my nature . ALWAYS
putting others first just can't seem to help myself ....