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SYNOPSIS Of My Israel Trip - More to Come
by knittinkitten at 10/7/2008 10:52:17 PM

Here's a Synopsis of my Israel Trip...It's in the form of a letter I wrote to my Collefe Professor. He plans to submit sections of it to the reporter who will be preparing a feature article in our local paper...we're all pretty excited about that.
Enjoy this...but, there's sooooooo much more to come...
Dear Eli:
”Next year, in the Land of Canaan”..those words of my grandfather, that he spoke, while reading the Haggadah, at the Passover table, many years ago.
Those words came alive twenty years ago when I was fortunate enough to lead a group of Christians to “Christmas in Bethlehem”. It was while standing at the Western Wall that I realized that I am REALLY a Jew….it was a feeling from DEEP INSIDE. The tunnels, revealed by archeologists from 1967, now make visible to us, centuries of Jewish heritage that I could see with my very own eyes.
Never did I realize that I was going to be fortunate enough to embark on a second trip to THE HOLY LAND…..this time with you…and a group of my fellow students from The Lifelong Learning College. As a veteran of your several courses…”Myths and Facts About The Arab-Israeli Conflict”, “The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel” (who were never really lost at all),”The Jews In The Time of Jesus” and, its Sequel, I was entranced by your wealth of knowledge and the thoroughness of materials you gave us with which to enhance our education on the subjects. I enjoyed every moment of the classes. And, when your “Class Field Trip to Israel” was offered, I knew I would be among those present.
I must begin by saying that the experience was beyond description. Overwhelming….possibly, but, in a good way. As a result of your teaching, from the point of view of one who was there, along with some recent Bible Studies, I have learned soooo much more about this tiny little land, the size of New Jersey. I expected to remember many things from the previous trip, but I was awestruck at the wonderful changes…..The highlight of my trip? There was no highlight…the whole trip was one of the highlights of my life….and, as you know, I’ve had 40 years experience traveling all over the world as an International Tour Director.
This trip was different…Only in my later years have I become interested in History….This trip was the epitome of HISTORY….There isn’t much of anything older. If I were to speak of highlights, perhaps it would be the “coming alive” of the Bible…the Old Testament AND the New Testament…It brought to life so many Bible passages that I had read in the past few years. The archeology that has taken place since I was there is amazin. They have been digging since I left. Their discoveries assisted me to see and to combine “proof” with my “faith” so much so that I could “feel” the presence of those whose words I had read in Bible Study.
I recall trying to envision “the loaves and fishes”…the gladiators and chariots, Lot’s wife being turned to a pillar of salt….the burning of the temples, the desperation AND the bravery of those atop the Masada….imagine the strength to say they did not want to live unless it was in freedom.
Our visit to the Palmach (Striking Force) Museum was particularly poignant to us since you had already told us of your involvement in the Hagana military organization we had only heard about. For you, your brother and your sister, this was a way of life, even though you all had varying viewpoints… Your description of the military training exercises reached farther into our hearts than the photos on the wall. Your disappointment after being wounded and unable to continue, showed us how deep your convictions were in regard to providing a permanent military force to cope with Arab forces. Although we know that you must have inner scars from that time of your life, thank goodness the outer one on your leg is the only one that shows at this time.
All of us, knowing you were born and brought up in Jerusalem, were excited to have you take us to the neighborhood where you once lived. A lovely, peaceful residential neighborhood with beautiful flowers all around. Thank you for standing there as we, one by one, had to have our picture taken with you in front of your old front door.
Our tour through the modern Knesset Building gave us the feeling that Affairs of State were sincerely discussed and handled there. The Chagall tapestries were an added highlight.
The Garden Tomb, the baptism in the River Jordan at Yardenit, our boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, floating on the Dead Sea…..and, our ride to the top of the Golan Heights, where I remember the insecure feeling of seeing that the enemy was only a few miles away and, realizing how vulnerable these people were. We were fortunate to see an Ancient Galilee Boat, discovered in 1986, during a drought, and on display at Kibbutz Ginosar.
I had a vivid picture in my mind, from our studies, of Jesus crossing from one side of the Galilee to the other…with his disciples… On this trip the Crown of Thorns tree was pointed out to me…and, I knew it had been a wreath on the head of Jesus.
Hearing the word “Oasis” all my life, I had never seen one…although I had seen a mirage. We visited an Oasis…and we plucked soft, sweet dates from the date palm trees…The dried dates from the supermarket have never tasted that good.
The stark arid Judean Desert was in direct contrast to the lush oasis….This was not an easy land to traverse in those days….I had to chuckle because I thought I’d gotten away from the heat of a Florida summer…at least we did not have the humidity….
The new Yad –Vashem Memorial Museum was a major undertaking….It should be visited by every person who visits Israel….we must NEVER forget….It should NEVER happen again…On my last trip my visit was at Christmas time…We visited the place of Jesus’ birth.
On this trip we were treated to Nazareth Village a recreated Galilean village as it was 2000 years ago….I felt like a Villager as I climbed the hills, traversed the terraces and vineyards, stone quarries, watching the Shepherd tend his flock, the woman carding and spinning the wool, the tool making shed.
And, I even envisioned the grape stomping in the grape pit….Always wondered why it was done barefoot. I finally learned that it was so the seeds were not crushed by hard sandals…because they would make the wine bitter. It was the first time I had seen a working olive press. On my previous trip I learned (the hard way) that olives are definitely not tasty, plucked right off the tree…they must first be cured.
Our Tour Company, Pilgrim Tours, presented us with a fantastic program…there was something for everyone…including hills, an unbelievable jeep ride, and lots of walking. Our Tour Guide and our driver also were top notch quality ….Our hotel, in Tiberias, The Ron Beach, was a virtual Spa, where we treated ourselves not only to dips in the Dead Sea, but to various treatments which not only soothed the soul, but soothed our weary bodies.
Our hotels were beautiful, well kept and well run….we had all the comforts of home. I must mention the food….much of which was not strange to me as it was the Sunday Morning fare of my youth… But, in Israel, it was every day….fruit, cereal, breads, cakes, herring, salmon, and, even salad fixings…imagine…salad for breakfast. The array of cheeses was unbelievable….I may have tasted every one of them!