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The "maybe" life
by nckcntn32 at 12/5/2008 1:06:20 AM

What is the maybe lifestyle? It seems to be the modern way of making plans with people. Gone are the days of making plans where you can count on someone. The words Maybe, Try or We'll See have replaced for-sure plan making. Don't believe me? Next time you're with your friend(s), ask them to do something with you over the weekend. Nine times out of ten they will somehow include the word maybe, try or we'll see in their response. Same goes for making plans with someone you're interested in. Again, somewhere in their response they will somehow include one of those three words. Something else that's said is something along the lines of: "I'll have to see what's going on." Have to see? In plain english they are telling you that if nothing else better comes along THEN they will follow through with their plans.
I find that people who live the maybe lifestyle really are not worth being around. They are simply worthless people and a waste of my time, and everyone elses. Now don't get me wrong, I understand sometimes things truly do come up and whatever was planned simply won't or can't happen. But you see, that's where the maybe lifestyle gets even worse. Sometimes, it's really no big deal that plans are broken. However, it IS a big deal when you A: Don't even call/email/text to say you can't make it or B: Make the person wait till when the plans were scheduled to take place and THEN cancel on them. What's funny though is when you confront someone who does things like this, they have that golden excuse..."I never made for sure plans, I told you maybe." My fault, they get a pass on that one.
I don't give people a pass who don't have the balls or the common courtasy to stick to what they say...or atleast let me know they can't follow through with something. I know everyone goes through this but lately it's been happening way too much. I'm not going to put up with it no more.