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Hear me when i pray!
by sugardip at 12/10/2008 8:34:18 AM

Lord hear me when i pray i come to you in faith each day, without you by my side i'd loose my sense of direction and way
you shed your blood for our sins so we could renew and win. You are the father of thee unfathered, and my brothers keeper don't weep or cry cause the lord god is always by my side
You scalpt, mold, and make me whole and never was your love not unconditional. You know the number of hairs in my head and you know how mant times i've sinned before i go to bed. But because you love me i can put no other above thee
Lord hear me when i pray i come to you in faith each day, without you by my side i'd loos direction and way
Lord hear me as i prsy i feel as if even though i can't see you you wrap your arms around me to tell me you love me. You always answer my prays, it may not be right when i ask but you better believe that it's always on time, and so much that you've given me because i got blessed
you gave me life to do your work but when you fall behind your lesson will be learned. By your strips we are healed and you mend the broken hearted cause your real
Lord hear me when i pray i come to you in faith each day without you by my side i'd loose my sense of direction and way!
Signing out on that thank you for my blessing everyday, i'm just greatful to be alive and have what i have!