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life and the holadays
by dmr42 at 12/10/2008 4:27:44 PM

well the older i get the more life around the holdays gets harder now i know about u but with no one to share it with well it aint much fun u find that u miss loved one that r gone and wish they were still here and with them gone the holadays just aint the same i know u all have fam well now it just me and my kids when i get them and this year i dont have them but i will make the best of it i always do i just wish i had somebody to share it with this years and have chrismas like years past insteed of the one i have had the last couple years but someday i will agin just when i dont know as i not found her yet i cant wait till i do i thought one apone a time i had now she well where ever she is and im still here i wish her the best and yes even sometimes miss her but she say she hapopie and im glad for her now it my trun to be happie i just hope its soon i miss all the good suff the hugs and kiss cuddling up on the chouch and in the bed just holing one another we all need that well i said what on my mind for the most part catch u all later