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My Thoughts
by angelic_magic at 1/3/2009 4:22:20 PM

I always felt if a man can seduce my mind
........he can seduce my body..
my way of thinking is no matter what u look like..
what body shape u have...
none of that matters...
i am not perfect myself..
.........but i am perfect for someone.
Not sure who he is...
time will tell.
He is the man who rocks my world,
Who helps me lose myself in sensations.
I am not sure at times if this is a
realistic goal...
to imagine there is someone "right" for me
I thought i had that person once...
and time showed me my mistake.
I have been told i am "tainted" by my life experiences
However i disagree..
i feel i have grown to be the person i am
Becuz of my experiences...
they left me more knowledgable
and definatly more aware of what i DON'T want.
Now it is time to figure out what i DO want..
