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f**k you
by genipher at 1/7/2009 11:30:20 PM

This Post was created a while ago. but i still have it on my myspace cause, IMO, its pretty fricken funny. hahah, enjoy!

Current mood: infuriated

As my friends know, the past two years of my life, at best, have been emotionally exhausting. SO, I'm not gonna lie, considering the way things have been for me, I am, what some would call, a smidge paranoid when it comes to the opposite sex. I think that it's more along the lines of "a defensive stance." But I digress…
What I want to know is where the f**k do all these a**holes come from and WHY for the love of f**king Christ, WHY do they always seem to find ME. Can I have ONE decent man in my life? I'm not asking for love, 'cause god KNOWS, right now, Ill probably wipe the floor with his ass. Some poor unsuspecting f**k, I already feel for him and I haven't even met him yet. But, with my luck, he'll be the one to have genuine feelings of love and admiration for me, and I would destroy him. Ultimately, but inadvertently, contributing to a vicious cycle.
But for real, all I want is a friendship…not friends with benefits not friends with potential. Just someone to f**kin chill with…Someone that is actually on the same PAGE as I am. And just when I THOUGHT that I found him….WHAM….in floods the truth. F**K….would it have been so F**KING hard to just tell me the truth? I mean, seriously. WOW, what a f**king concept. Now it seems, he was just trying to piss his wife off. I LOVE it when im the LUCKY girl that gets to be put in the middle. And I'm not stupid, I had my suspicions. There were "indicators." But when I started to second guess things even when he was "telling me what was going on" I thought it was just my "paranoia" that was begging me to run. But once again, my intuition left me feeling a little embarrassed when the truth stared me in the face, laughing obnoxiously.
But you know what irritates me most about liars? When a person lies to you, not only are they being disrespectful and inconsiderate, they are COMPLETELY discrediting your intelligence level, which in my opinion, far more insulting.
Now, some may argue and proclaim that females can provide such companionship, and I would try, but ladies, in all honesty, I f**king HATE most of you. They are annoying and a laundry list of other things, but that will go in another rant at another time. And if by chance you're a female reading this and getting defensive, for all of us sweetheart, re-evaluate your self proclaimed "charming" traits. 'Cause your defensiveness means you are lying to yourself, seriously, grow the f**k up. …UGH…You don't even want to get me started on the FEMALES contribution to this growing epidemic.
In closing, all I want is a completely HONEST relationship. Is that SO rare a thing in this day in age? Is it really that much to ask? I mean, seriously, what the f**k is wrong with the Y chromosome? Is deception, deceit, manipulation and emotional unavailability its support structure, is it weaved though out all through all your fibrous tissues, and at the core of their f**king DNA? Should I REALLY have to accept this sort of intolerable behavior into my life if I want a man? I'd rather die alone, Vibe in hand, than force myself to tolerate any sort of abusive relationship. Let alone give some moron the satisfaction of believing that they are anything but a TOTAL piece of shit.
So F**K YOU UP YOUR STUPID ASS, and thanks for reminding me how useless the majority of your gender is.


2/25/2009 4:01:56 PM

No, you are right on and it is on both sides of the gender shit. If you look though it happens to alot of people who are giving and trusting aquarians. Stick to it and maybe one day you will find the one that fits just don't lump everyone in the same boat. I too was in the military, 82nd Airborne just back when we didn't get any of the new shit most of my stuff was ww2 shit. Hang in there and if I were alittle younger or you a little older or f**k it what does ager have to do with give me a holler if you like.