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No Matter
by truleinina at 1/14/2009 4:20:27 PM

Its Like no matter how we plan 2 do better in the future the past always seems to sneak up when ever a pinch of happiness or success comes to light.....Now smiles are now frowns and eyes are no longer dry anymore...Temptation is a sickness no longer peer pressure..it doesnt care who its victim is ..u never kno where or when its comin..and love is no longer the cure..I guess all u can wait 4 is its inner self 2 bust out if its hidden cave and take control of whats rightfully theirs.. I feel alone sometimes even wen love seems to be thrown 2 me from my fiance and my fam...I have a man that I love even after I die ..He's my first step 2 happiness .. Its time 2 leave the dark cloud behind