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Is love ever good enough?????????????
by sugardip at 1/21/2009 4:10:59 PM

Will my love ever be good enough for someone to love me? My heart my soul i don't knw what else more i can give. When i say i love you i do, when i say i'm commited i'm commited only to you! When i say i'm down to ride i'm down to ride for you, throw out pride that's no use, i'ma give my rib like Adam did to create Eve, why can't you see? I work hard to get and give my best why can't a man or anyone else understand? What if you were far away? Would you still love me or go astray? What if i got hurt, would you go and become dessert from me, or love and charish thee? There's more to life then sex and lust i promise it's not a must! Is that's what's gonna make you happy, or at the end of the day will you be alone and sappy? It's not about the money what ya take or bring home what about the feeling of just not being alone? Opening up your arms and being loved for who you are! Sometimes you have to take a chance but let it be the chance of love and romance! Will my love ever be good enough? Will my love ever be good enough for someone just to love me. My heart is like gold waiting for love to mold! God i want this, someone to love me for me, will it ever happen or ever be? I'm waiting for my hand? God can i get a straight or a full house what's the deal? Am i ever gonna feel as if it is real? I believe and have faith, but i'm holding on to the rope, but god oh god i have so much hope! will someone love me just for me? I'm ready i'm so ready for this to be! Someone to love me through anything distance,hard times, low and high times, and even when i want to cry? My heart is on the line god so i'm ready for you to do what ya do, i knw it's all in your time but i'm raedy for mine! Send em home to me i'm ready for this to be! I'm signing out on my thoughts that are going through my head!