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got an old verizon phone??????
by purrbaby at 1/25/2009 6:54:30 PM
okay so i have posted this blog for like the past week and i have had some people reply to it.
but no one that was really helpful.
they either just said, yeh i do , and then i when i wrote them back they either never replied back to me or was asking WAY to much.
i mean come on, if you have an old phone just chillen there collecting dust, why not put it to good use?
i have no problem buying it off of you, or either paying you back for the mailing fees.
so if anybody has a phone 20 dollars or under that they do not use that is either verizon or alltel ( only if it works with a verizon plan) please, please , please let me know
i will love you forever
and then when i actually do get a phone, we can exchange numbers and be good friends, cause i need more of those in my life as well lol