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Life is Short!
by fireyredhead79 at 1/28/2009 11:37:52 AM

Hello there my fellow daters!
So Im thinking why do people allways say life is short..it seems pretty damn long to me rite now, but thats just because i seem to be doing the same ol same ol. So that is why i decided to join the dating world again. So i have met some very intresting people so far you no who you are!!
People keep asking me why im still single, well for the most part ist of my choosing. A smart friend told me around 5 yrs ago, when i was getting through my really crazy divorce, that its a great idea to stay single to 'find' myself. So here i am 5 or so yrs later...and i think im ready for the next man in my life.
Now thats not to say that i havent met alot of great men, and i for sure havnt been celibate. But yes, im looking for that next great man who will sweet me off my feet, yea im a little ol fashioned. im looking for a gentelman, someone who respect's other people, as well as himself. Someone who can be comfortable with his self...if you dont love yourself, then how can you expect me to love you?
I have alot to give someone, i have spent the last 5 years, 'finding' myself, lol...still not sure wat that means....but im comfortable in my skin, i give of myself to others, i feel that a relationship is give and you get.
So here i go, Im ready to give & get~