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Taking care of the simple things...
by halo66 at 2/12/2009 12:32:56 AM

Like Chairs.
We spend a lot of time in chairs. In the dentist's office for example. Or in our cars, or in the office, cafeteria, classroom, home office/desk thinger...
So shouldn't we absolutely love our chairs? I mention this because today I spent 3 hours looking, touching, smelling, and sitting in chairs. I now know the difference between Executive, Task, Reception, Sexertary, and guest chairs. I know all about casters and lumbar support and the difference between mesh and leather temperature.
I have a new desk for my office and consequently need a new chair. Why? I dunno...because it's fun! ha!
I finally settled on the one I want. I literally could sit in it for at least 10 hours a day at least 6 days a week. So I know I love it, and all my body parts will be happy with me!
Do you love your chair? If you don't, maybe it's time you had "the talk".