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The first time for the last time.
by blssd2be at 3/2/2009 8:17:23 AM
There's a first time for everything.
A first smile, first tooth, first step.
First friend, first day of school.
A first A, First F, and every thing in between.
Yes, there's a first time for everything.
There is one thing I had hoped never to have a first.
I lost my baby for the first time.
He died in my arms, and now I can't be with him.
I was there when he took his first breath.
The first time he ate. The first time he smiled.
Sure maybe it was gas, but it was a first.
I held him in my arms and he wove his soul to mine.
I changed him, cradled him, fed him.
I held him close, and smelled the baby smell.
I cuddled him, and listened to him breathing.
All the while knowing I could never keep him.
Yes, a first time for everything.
A first crush, first boyfriend, first kiss.
First love, first time making love.
First child, first time mom.
I held him the first time for the last time.