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Dallas adventures...??
by jesse862005 at 3/21/2009 11:47:45 PM

So...we went to dallas for spring break and it turned out to be a nightmare of sorts. We were on way home and just after midnight on Friday the 13th we were stranded in bum f**k Arkansas. ok... Arkansas scares the shit outta me anyway(sorry to anyone that lives there). We were driving down the interstate when my friend says "Jesse, what does this light mean?" just as the car starts cutting out!! Somehow I ended up being the one under the hood on the side of the interstate...5 miles from any exit. So we get stuck for an hour in the freezing cold before the car would finally start. We made it to the nearest truck stop and hotel. The hotel was 2nd hand, it had a sleeve over the sign with the new hotel sign(problem was u could see the other sign thru it!! We were right next to a trucker parking lot...and didnt even get to see a freakin lot lizard!! So moral of the story is if u go to arkansas take ur own car or travel with a mechanic!! Did i mention i hate arkansas?? I can hear the banjos already!!