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special people special mom
by texasgirlsue at 11/9/2007 9:41:50 PM
I am a mom with two very special children. One with a heart that is worn on the outside. One that the beauty lies within. One so special that, he holds a unique place in God's holy palace, and in the arena of special olympics. I am also an animal lover, and work at making this planet a safe place in which they can live. We must work hard at keeping it clean, so are animals can live in our environment, The survival of our everlasting, evolving world is hard for all animals, and people to live quietly. I am also a volunteer for special olympics, and use my time in all formats for speaking on mental illness. My goal is to make people aware of the unique qualities, and greatness that special children have.
My passion is in giving, not in receving. The benefit in this is the love, that I see in the hearts that I have touched. A smile can make someone's day, and a brief hug can turn a bad day into a good one. Teach your children to respect God, and themselves. Learn that harmony is the ticket to happiness, not money. Most important, patience is a lifetime journey, and listening, is not the same as hearing. Hearing is learning. Learning is understanding, and understanding is the key to success, and comfort. We are all different. but we are all searching for love, "Give thanks to your maker". After all he gave himself to you, now all you have to do is follow the path
Peace, happiness, and thankfulness, a piece of the goodlife, one day at a time