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win a few lose a few
by realmanhunt at 3/20/2007 3:15:56 PM

sometimes life brings things that seem really good but end up being awful, datehook up has brought me ,much joy and i really cherish the friends i have made but sometimes u run across some that can be mean and hateful and one day they want u and the next day they dont , i just think that is not necessary to be rude and hateful, if u find a search ,u fall in love with then, treat the others friends u have made along the way still as a friend if i fall in love i will tell all my firends and still expect to remain as friends we are all searching, if u are lucky to find the right one then they should want u to have your new friends as well as your family and old friends each of us should want happines for one another we dont have to throw each other away because we ave found what we are looking for and besides if it does not work out then we will need each other again that what friends are for... keep searching and be happy and leave no friends behind u have made behind, if they are trully for u then they want u happy and u should them, thanks samantha p.s. i lost a friend to day and it makes me sad that he did not know that i would be really happy for him and that i will alwyas be there for him.he lives in kansas and he knows who he is good luck handsome be happy.