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by rebell1024 at 11/15/2007 7:10:39 PM
Im not breathing,ive lost my life,im going insayne, all i have is a knife,in my hand lays the blade,the blade that took my life in trade,i dont understand,i still feel the pain,the pain that made me go insayne, i thought i was dead,but i guess im not,im layin here with life that i never got,i feel the blood runnin out of my vains,and i lay here as it drains,when i stop bleeding i get real sad,i didnt die and now im mad,as i stab myself again and again waitin on my life to end,i bleed my last drop out of my vain,i think my last thought out of my brain,i cry my last cry,i scream my last scream,im another step closer to persuin my dream,my dream of death,my dream of fade of this life that ive made,no more blood,no more tears,no more pain,no more fears,i now lay here with no life,given thanks to my knife,thank you world,youve made me this way,now i have only one thing to say,HELLO KNIFE...GOODBYE LIFE!!?