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Me, myself and I
by leolynn at 5/5/2009 8:09:10 AM

This is really just a test....
My life is pretty simple but I like to think of myself as complex. I like all the usual stuff and a fair amount of unusual stuff but I miss having someone to do things with - even the simple, boring things. I’m pretty much jeans and t-shirts. I don’t wear makeup. I'd rather be outdoors than in – at least during the warm weather - and I like men with facial hair.
I like to sail, fish, camp, garden, read, fix things around the house, motorcycles (passenger), and hike. I have no interest in golf, skiing, bungee jumping, or sky diving.
I am competitive but don't care who wins, opinionated but open-minded, NEVER late, very left-brained, funny if you like sarcasm, curious about everything, organized but in neat piles, slightly emotional, active but not athletic, very vocal, awed by nature but not a tree-hugger, impatient, a little shy, smart, skinny and older than dirt. In the interest of full disclosure you should know that my hair color changes regularly.
I believe in God (not the classic definition) but have no personal use for organized religion. I believe everything is possible. I believe in ghosts and angels and extra-terrestrials. I do not believe there are any accidents or coincidences nor do I believe in luck. I have done past-life regressions, astral projection and used psycho-kinesis, but it is difficult to hypnotize me. I don't hallucinate or get seasick.
I prefer action-adventure movies (especially if there is a helicopter), gratuitous violence doesn't bother me, and I believe everyone should know how to kill a chicken.
Children and snakes frighten me, the snakes only because they move so quickly and have no legs.
I can do my own plumbing and electrical work and I like to get my hands dirty. I generally wipe them on my pants when they are.
I have learned not to underestimate farmers, you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover and that one definition of stupidity is repeating the same procedure and expecting different results. I learn something new everyday. And I REALLY want to learn how to operate heavy off-road construction equipment.
I am independent, self-sufficient and a bit of a loner. Just looking for someone to do stuff with and who might be boyfriend material - or, if not that, the love of my life!