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Naked pics advice!
by openminded22 at 6/12/2009 7:46:10 PM

So how many of you have ever had relationships or sexual relationships with co workers. Well I work ina mans world. I am a dispatcher so I see and interact with numerous males everyday. Well yes, I have had few secual relationships with some of my employees. I recently sent some naked pics of myself to a coworker. He laughed and we both joke about it everyday. Nothing more wanted from him and vice versa was just done in fun! Well his ex girlfriend got online and saw my pics and went bizerk calling my phone and blowing up my txt messages. So I didn't lie I told her up front that I sent them and I wasn't going to fight, the guy and I were both aware of what was going on. And that we would never sleep together it was just for fun and show. So now the girl is threating to post my pics all over ....now what do you do? I know could this story get any longer or interesting? What would you do and I would appreciate any advice given, only rule no name calling or etc....