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Are you clingy or needy...???
by justwnt1 at 6/15/2009 9:53:17 AM

I believe this will be depend on your definition of the two words..

My definitions :
Some one who needs to know your where about s at all times. A person who has to have you in there line of eyesight.. To me clingy is not a good thing..

I have heard it described a different way..lately
But I don't agree with the definition..
The definition being someone who touches or likes to be touched.

To me this is warm contact.. It is a sign of pleasure that you express, a sign that you appreciate the time you spend with someone. A sign of caring and nurturing. There is nothing clingy about rubbing someones arm or back as you lay beside them.. Its comforting to both..There is nothing clingy as you kiss them good bye to wish them well as they are leaving the house. To go play with the guys or girls.. Just my opinion..


On the other hand, is a person who can not make it through a day without someone paying strict attention to them.. Cannot function without someone being there full time for them..

Am I needy.. not by those standards..
Do I need someone in my life.. no,, would be nice.. but we survive..
Do I need love, sure
Do I need touch and warmth.. we all do to a point.
Do I need someone here with me 24/7,,, No, sometimes you need a break from each other. Do I want to spend each waking moment with someone.. get real You have to make time for yourselves..
I need a lot of things in my life, but do not consider my self needy..
things I need,, a new part for a sink,, someone to help drywall.. someone to change my oil, yes I can do all these things.. so I dont need.. I want..

So whats you definition... are you clingy, or needy..


6/15/2009 10:31:04 AM

Neither. I believe that people should spend time together doing things that they like and spend time apart from each other to persue their own interests. If two people love each other then they trust each other and don't need to know where the other is at all times. Do I want someone to share my life with, yes it would be nice but do I need someone, after seven years of being alone, no. But if a special someone comes along, who knows.

6/15/2009 11:33:04 AM

I am neither needy nor clingy. I derive my self worth by my own actions, and not from other people. I see myself, as much more then extension of someone else. I don't need to be built up, by cheap words, idle flattery or constant affirmation of my worth. These are all me, of a needy person. Yeuck, there is no bigger turn off to me, then someone needy, regardless of the relationship we share. Clingy, it is what a needy person does, to stay grounded to his/her lifeline.I am neither, nor will I associate with those that are.

online now!
6/15/2009 12:35:08 PM

I like both your answers,, lotus3, very strong,, good points..very well said indeed.. The choice of words in the conversation I was in,, I do not believe I would have used clingy or needy.. affectionate.. maybe.. Thanks for reading..

6/15/2009 1:02:19 PM

Hmm I like my alone time making wood stuff,also like the feel and touch of a woman,just don't have to be in her site 24/7.

6/15/2009 2:40:19 PM

I stand in back of my "actions" and sometimes in my youth I was rather needy now I have balance.

6/15/2009 3:40:53 PM

I'll settle for someone who likes to cling here and there, doesn't reaaly need to be needy, but aint afraid to get it on when the moment is right...NO HOLD BARRED.....ok, Im quiet

6/15/2009 6:11:09 PM

Clingy and needy can play in any relationship,any time,it;s all on what you want,act or need,it;s nice to be touchy,feely,what about that folks,,,,,Your away time,quiet time also is needed ,no need to spend 24/7 to gether but it be nice to just have someone who would spend time with ,1 more word,where would communicate come in,when you felt needed or clingy,hhmmmmmm,i say go with the flow,,,,enjoy

6/15/2009 6:30:38 PM

I totally agree with wolfin and lotus...I dated a clingy/needy person and is so smothering...found out person is bipolar and can't stand to be alone....this doesn't work for me. I have lived a long time alone...yes I would like someone in my life and maybe someday there will be...but clingy/needy people sorry no can do!

6/16/2009 10:15:32 AM

I am a touchy feely person, but only if I know a person well, most of my friends are demonstrative also. I'm not needy, nor am I clingy., I just love or care easily. I also value my space.