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concept of blogging
by jesse862005 at 6/21/2009 1:47:01 AM

I have never really understood the concept of blogging...so I sit here and pour my heart out to this keyboard and computer screen, right? Kinda like an online diary? So everyone gets to see my dirty lil secrets? LOL...more like everyone gets a minuscule look into all that is me. Seriously, and ppl do this daily?!! I know that my life isnt very exciting and I assume that most everyone elses is about the same: boring, monontonous, and seriously uneventful. So whats the point of this then? If anyone knows, please enlighten me. Ok Ill give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they dont have anyone to talk to and its their only outlet. I can see that. But then why online? Does anyone really care about our day to day activities? If I did that, someone would definitely stop me quickly. I can see it now....a play by play of a day in the life of me...
Woke up...txted on the toilet (lol- u know u do it too!)...showered and brushed teeth...got dressed in those drabby green scrubs...ate breakfast (at 6pm)...drove to work while griping about all the commercials on the radio and stupid idiot drivers and thinking that if I would have taken the motorcycle id be there by now...work twelve hours doin nothing but watchin squiqqly lines and babysitting helpless nurses...drive home (see previous driving statement)...let dogs out to do their business...brush teeth again...get naked and ptfo (pass the f*** out...for those of you that didnt know what that meant).
See what I mean? That is not what i wanna spend what little free time I have reading on a daily basis. Maybe the ppl that blog have more exciting lives than i do. lol...wow i must be really bored right now to right a novel (aka blog) about how dumb daily blogging is. haha at least i admit that im a lil pathetic sometimes. Well i guess im done with this completely pointless rambling! lol wow...its times like this when i realize why im single! lmao!!