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Haven't touched this thing in forever...
by candiedinago at 6/25/2009 9:16:14 PM

My old roommates still haven't sent my stuff and it's pretty lame. I really need a lot of the stuff that they have.

I started a new job. I work at ACS as a Verizon Wireless customer service agent. It's pretty cool but I'm still in the training class and it kind of feels like I'm never going to get out of it but at least I'm getting paid and it sounds like it will be a really steady job. ^^

I do have to drive all the way to Anderson for it though. It sucks driving back to carmel at 11:30 at night. x-x

I'm thinking I want to get the night shift (3-midnight) because the sups on night are awesome. u-u


6/26/2009 5:20:17 PM

Hey Candy, how do you get a job like that? Thanks Mamadix