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My love for you
by dacarter16 at 6/28/2009 8:33:23 PM

To gaze upon my love,
is to feel completely at ease
i run my fingers through her hair
and it smells of a warm breeze
we stand in a timeless moment
together in a tight embrace
motionless in the night's air
observing every detail of her face
the strength of her beauty
has spend every moment we can
and yet can never get our fill
her personality seals the deal
i shall remain with her forever
i make a pact with myself this night
to never lose this treasure
i love you so deeply
i love you so much
i love the sound of your voice
and the way that we touch
i love your warm smile
and your kind, thoughtful way
the joy that you bring
to my life everyday
i love you today
as i have from the start
and i will love you forever
with all of my heart
when i am with you
eternity is a step away
my love continues to grow
with each passing day
this treasure of love
i cherish within my soul
how much i love you...
you will never really know
you bring a joy to my heart
i have never felt before
with each touch of your hand
i love you more and more
whenever we say goodbye
whenever we part
know i hold you dearly
deep inside my heart
so these seven words
i pray you hold true
"forever and always,