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Why do ppl try to be so different??
by thisisyimhot361 at 7/7/2009 7:43:02 PM

First comment of the day (as i sip my hot french vanilla coffee) .. "people are so f**king wierd." like really... some of the people i grew up with--now, u'd think they just were runaways from the carnival. I cant figure out why everyone is trying so hard to be so different from their personalities to their appearance.. now lets think about this.. if you truly were so different, wouldn't you be going with the flow.. not just rollin out of bed and choppin up something, throwing it on ..saying thats ur outfit and than you walk your clashed a** up.. lecturing that you know more about music than your parents and you kno art better than Michael Angelo?. wrongo wanabe. I know we're suppose to represent our individual character since no one is alike.. but nowadays everyone is trying so hard to be different that its like everyone is doin it and when you look back at all these people in a crowd..u all look like one big fat mess. even when i was a little girl, i dont think i ever even got that creative while playin dress up. (nonchalaunt).. lol....
so yeah i usually dont speak out about this but.. its really getting on my nerves though and if your pissed because it offends ones im not directing to then.. welp.. comment i guess. but forwarning.. i dont care, i dont have a care in the world about come backs. infact i know i shouldn't be so opinionated right now but yeah..here it is