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by thisisyimhot361 at 7/20/2009 6:44:55 PM

Ive gotten a lot of the same question lately.."why are you on here?" "do you have trouble finding a guy?"....

The answer is..Im on here and a few others because i just like to see what else is out there and i rarely give guys the time of day because lets face it your all lying a**holes 80% of the time. Haha sorry but its true..and I have no problems finding guys Im just picky about the guys i would consider dating because one certain guy broke my heart and stabbed me in the back harder then a cerial killer and i know if im gonna be with another guy its gotta be worth it. Heh, better sweep me off my feet haha thats all I gotta say.

So I hope i answered your questions and I hope yall understand where Im coming from. xoxo


7/21/2009 10:19:09 AM

You could'nt come up with somethig better then that.I know guys are scard to talk to a beuty queen like you,love your redneck

8/13/2009 3:09:31 PM

Sorry I got to say this but their are some nice guys out their. Not all of us are liars thou. You just got to find that right one. Ohh and yes some of us can spell too. Sorry I got to say this but I hang my head the way guys treat ladies these days it's just terrible. Well have a good day pretty lady. Your friend, Countryboy