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by thisisyimhot361 at 7/21/2009 10:10:58 PM real confused with life anymore. i've noticed that im forcing myself to let go of the past..although its something that late night rememberances..bring tears to my eyes. you know those nights..the ones when your alone and you doze off to a memory..and you have that time just to sit there and think about it thouroly... and thats when missing comes into play. i dont know what tomorrow has to offer me and im unsure if it can bring to me more than wat my wonderful past has created? missing certain ppl is a big part of my life right now.. hopeing i know them the rest of my life.. praying for their well being. i just wonder where alot has went. and im at this point where im so confused on what i want.. im not grown up and id love to live up my youth to the fullest with the years that i have left until im actually AN ADULT(ha).. and i wish i could give all that time to my friends and family and thats what im trying to do so hard right now cuz those are the people i have the most fun with. And i am still broken hearted..i guess u can say a certain guy has f**ked up almost any chance with any decent guy out there so my heart is like floating around with no emotions as to where it went i dont know if i can ever get it back, it scared me because this is not what i want..ahh..

i cant believe people actually read this thing? lol.. my love goes out to the ones who care about me. This is the crazy internet lol, let the good times roll...


7/22/2009 5:51:06 AM

N isnt crazy how even tho that certain person f**ked u over so bad theres still a part of u that will always stuck on them...yeah ive been goin thru tht exact thing the past 6 months or so...cant believe i fell in love wit that b*tch lol but i did....

7/22/2009 8:34:36 PM

What you really need to realize is that people lie. It is normal and its the basic truth of the human condition that we strive to be loved by someone. You just need to come to understand that the reason "love" is so great is because its so hard to find. Your best bet is just to relax and let life put love into your life. You seem like a strong woman and you have a clear understanding of what you want in your life. You will get what your looking for, but don't think that it will be easy. If it wasn't for the falls and the scrapes we wouldn't appreciate how good Love actually is.