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Reality and the x
by thisisyimhot361 at 7/23/2009 8:42:28 AM

On the other hand, ive had a harsh reality slap across the face, im looking in every direction, the world is so cruel,.......but only if u dwell on the matter. People are/can be so cold, but only if u let them see that u think that. But behind the monsterous disguise of these people..they are nothing. And how will they be remembered someday? They are nothing, only if u prove to ur heart that they aren't. Soul Destroyers have no purpose. funny how they attack the vulnerable. ha.
hm so, about my X AJ, he's a remaining scarr of some sort. i feel myself at the top of the world when i avoid him, i dont wanna give him the time aday..but it is time that alicia heals, and seein things that remind me of him or talkin to him..will only put me on a longer hault. Im over it all...4 years of lies and backstabbing and distruction was such a waste of time I wish id have opend my eyes sooner. I dont normally make mistakes I just date them.lol..Im doing good though, I realized I dont need a man to be happy, but I would love to have that certain someone fullfill my heart and desires..smile for me. =)