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Mistakes We Have Made
by rosesandsmiles at 8/17/2009 3:41:38 PM

All the mistakes I ever made in my life
were when I wanted to say no and said yes.
You know: {That humongous little word),


8/17/2009 3:44:33 PM

Yes..we must learn when to say NO..if we are thinking no and say yes..we have committed a serious injustice to our self and the others that are involved..Even if it is as simple and going out to lunch with me. you say yes but really do not want to go..It is better to say no..could be go another time. Other things are much more serious that lunch.

8/17/2009 4:41:03 PM

A little something to think about........

8/17/2009 5:06:35 PM

When my kids were very young I was in a store that had the BEST sweatshirt ever!!! "NO MEANS NO" and to date, when my kids want something and I say no...and IF they continue to beg...I simply say...remember my sweatshirt??? End of the begging...

8/17/2009 5:16:33 PM

Oh Yes....and I have learned alot about the NO word...however I am sure there will be many more times I should say NO but wont..Like everyone, at times I see many things the way I wish them to be and not the way they truly are. I am getting better.....somewhat.....

8/17/2009 5:58:51 PM

ditto moon!

8/17/2009 6:03:27 PM

I SAY THE SAME AS moon.......Not sure if I'v e learned all of my lessons yet....but have improved a lot......fal

8/17/2009 6:30:08 PM

I am still saying yes when I should be saying no. I am a lost cause....

8/17/2009 7:40:04 PM

i certainly know what the word no means. ive been told no enough times by women that i was beginning to think my name was no. my biggest mistake was asking questions when i already knew the answer was no. but i am very persistent

8/17/2009 7:43:35 PM

Honestly, the word 'no' is becoming easier and easier with every date I go on

8/17/2009 7:52:59 PM

The answer is "Yes!" Depending on the question! And who asks it!

8/17/2009 7:58:02 PM

8/17/2009 8:06:32 PM

NO NO NO NO NO NO, We are all learning how to say No, when necessary, but why is it so hard? Hang in their johnny, stay persistent.

8/17/2009 8:49:40 PM

O.K. proseparty there are 6 women on this blog. What do you want the question to be and who do you want to ask it?just asking

8/17/2009 9:05:06 PM

I remember one time I said no..I later wished I had said yes.

8/18/2009 3:58:19 AM

standup4me maybe you need to learn the word Yes, and use it occassionaly. it wont hurt. Of course i mean for you to use it in a non sexual situation. in a sexual situation No is the best word if you dont wanna.

8/23/2009 7:04:36 PM

Didn't ya know?.....No is the new Yes

8/25/2009 4:34:07 PM

Betty, No! No! No! Noooooooo!

8/25/2009 8:50:14 PM

8/25/2009 9:02:17 PM

Quite honestly, this is a hard thing for me to do. I am definitely a yes man. But we do have to learn. -dc

8/26/2009 7:53:45 AM

Back in the day when i was much more vulnerable 2 peoples cons & manipulations i use 2 find it very hard 2 say no. But getting ezier as i'm getting older & wiser.

8/26/2009 10:00:41 AM

Also, when you say no, I get, are you sure? Duh, I said no! There are some things I'd risk my life for, but not that. I feel I'm worth the wait. No wise cracks please!

8/26/2009 11:54:16 AM

alrose & bklyn

8/26/2009 2:25:47 PM

Crack in the sidwalk,cracks in the floor might be some in the wall and we all knoe the most famous one of all.............but alas none of them are wise I just had to, I did.....couldn't control myself

8/26/2009 6:57:39 PM

cats we all know you are the pontificating