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Doesn't it just chap yer hide?
by rosesandsmiles at 9/9/2009 7:58:47 PM

I get so tired of shrinking products and companies that think we're too dumb to notice! Case in point: About a year ago I was surprised to pick up my usual brand of toilet paper and notice that the plastic package seemed to be a couple inches larger than it used to be. It was very noticeable that the paper rolls weren't as full as they used to be. , the manufacturer must have retooled their toilet paper machinery and forgot that they would have to shrink the package too! They might have gotten away with it if someone would have remembered to make the package fit their new "streamlined" product. It took about a month for the new packaging to come out and fit the product. Then this week I put a roll on the holder and realized that it is a full 1/2 inch narrower than the previous rolls!!!!

I know they think that most consumers are too stupid to notice but it just infuriates me every single time I find a shrinking package of anything whether it's potato chips or toilet paper. I think the truth in advertising laws should apply and those manufacturers should be forced to label their products accordingly, "NEW and IMPROVED!! Same Great Product in a bright new package. Pay so much more for SO MUCH LESS!"

I'm done ranting now......Your turn


9/9/2009 8:12:52 PM

YUP......thats it just YUP

9/9/2009 10:29:35 PM

I agree completely..Raise the price and shrink the product..But my bills have gone up and my check didnt get much bigger..what can one do?? a boycott would need to be on every produce, that would be hard. we couldnt buy anything..But we can go to their web sites and send them an email as to how we as the consumer do not like the shrinking products..we do have the power but more than one person needs to do it..MHO

9/10/2009 1:41:54 AM

Absolutely, seems everything is smaller, in sometimes the same size container with a false bottom..I hate to think I have as much and then it is only 2/3 the amount. Even my doggies treats are much smaller. Yes they know the difference. I now give them two..for the same amount as one used to be..the three lb of coffee is now 2 lb, for twice the price. I could go on, but you get the picture and I am spending more every time I shop.

9/10/2009 1:59:54 AM

I have to be careful using older recipes as 'a can of whatever' no longer contains the amount it once did!

9/10/2009 4:07:04 AM

i have observed the difference over the years. i noticed the smaller candy bars, the one pound coffee can was not one pound anymore etc. etc. etc. Although the product has been reduced in size the prices never went down only up, up, up

9/10/2009 4:19:36 AM

grrrrrrrrrr yes ...but unfortunately it is the way it is. As alte said ..I have to be careful with some recipes....

9/10/2009 4:39:47 AM

Every time I get dressed, notice my pants and shirts are "shrinking". They fit fine yesterday!

9/10/2009 4:46:17 AM

chuckles.....see the trick is...use cold water to wash those clothes and then you can eat more!!!!!!!!

9/10/2009 4:50:10 AM

You have that problem too, eh Chuckles.

9/10/2009 6:13:32 AM

Sign of the times and darlin it will only get worse so shall we rebel?

9/10/2009 7:05:25 AM

"Sign of the times" Yes jennyann, I certainly wont disagree with that statement. chuckles & iamaperson, I certainly can relate to your statement also but I don't think it has anything to do with the economy yet, until you have to replace those shrinking clothes.

9/10/2009 7:48:26 AM

Anyone been to Braums lately...same thing...which is really a good thing for me...but still just not right...less for more.

9/10/2009 9:12:36 AM

Yesterday I was just thinking how things are beginning to be smaller but the price inflates. Was a simple thing, stopped in at Arbys on the way home from the doctors, love their french dip, anyhow when I opened the sandwich I was surprised to see that the roll was smaller, a great deal smaller. I guess if they raise the price they lose business and assume that no one will notice if they shrink the package. Duh...big red truck

9/10/2009 11:39:47 AM

Yes, and if you do buy something and it was made overseas, best try on two sizes larger to find a fit. We all heard it was cost increase due to gasoline...gas went down, but the prices did not. Taxes increased, home owners ins. increased and guess what..we got a big increase in Social Security this year. Isn't that a big laugh! laughing all the way to the Poor House!

9/10/2009 11:58:29 AM

sharsea, I hear ya girl. We may all have to live in the poor house together no seriously it's getting scary. My car ins. went up. I called and increased deductibles and dropped what I could, which was very little. At least it brought the premium back to where it was. Med. Ins. went up. I haven't received my increase on home owners yet. to the Poor House

9/10/2009 2:51:26 PM

Yep and the don't reduce the price either. They raise the price.

9/11/2009 7:59:09 PM

as housing goes, so does the rest of the economy! you buy smaller houses for much higher prices, and ditto on potato chips, toilet paper, rice, etc. But you know, I seem to remember my parents complaining about the same thing, it's a cycle that we all experience at some point or another.

9/11/2009 8:51:30 PM

red, well what do you think?oroh yeah im gonna put you on the spot,hey guys give her a your gonna her