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What Is Your Bliss?
by rosesandsmiles at 9/14/2009 10:54:12 PM

The key to the phrase "Follow Your Bliss" is discovering what true bliss really is. True bliss is not momentary. True bliss is not monetary. True bliss is not self-centered. True bliss makes no demands of anyone. True bliss does not require fame or fortune. It's free! And it's available in every moment. In the simplest of terms, bliss arises when sing your song, dance your dance. Living your own unique life in harmony with life.... that's Bliss. Now what is your Bliss?


9/15/2009 5:32:01 AM

My bliss is having my children and grandchildren here for a picnic - see them all grow and become special people. Holding my newest grandchild in my arms - having him smile at me and seeing their grandpa in all 7 of them, sometimes in the way they smile or they move. I know that he goes on living in them and it makes life easier to bear. The best bliss is when they go home and I have peace and quiet again. I love it.

9/15/2009 5:50:29 AM

Waking in the morning and hearing the birds sing. Watching the deer, chippies,rabbits,squirrels and other animals romping and playing. Hearing the geese fly over as a sign a new season is coming. Thats Bliss.......having someone to share it with would be close to Heavenly Bliss.

9/15/2009 6:23:20 AM

Bliss is appreciating what you have and being a person with the theme of serving Harmony and helping to find the balance.

9/15/2009 6:42:40 AM

Harmony within me and without me......I have another thought on this but it's more for future reference and I'll keep it to myself for now...

9/15/2009 8:27:41 AM

Know that your children love you seeing them sleep and know that they are your kids even when they fight.

9/15/2009 11:06:03 AM

Beautiful answers. taylor, knowing that your children love youcats Harmony is great,jennyann and moonpa your blisses together does make Harmonyhugs you love your family that is here and cherish your memories, good bliss

9/15/2009 5:42:34 PM

My bliss is also being with family,kids,gr-kids,and now gr-gr-kids.We have a new baby boy not even a month old,and to hold him and feel the joy of seeing how good of a Mom my gr-daughter is.........that is it.....until my special man comes around the

9/16/2009 1:24:52 PM

My Bliss is having a wonderful family, great kids, grandkids, and being able to wake each day. .....And knowing Jesus Christ as my Savior Life is GOOD

9/16/2009 3:15:52 PM

my bliss is peace & contentment within & without