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A few poems I have written over the last few years.
by mylifealone2 at 9/17/2009 8:39:14 PM

Angels and the Stars
The Angels suddenly stopped caring for the stars
The warm nights now lost, in all the dark and cold
All those dreams of lasting love, now tossed away
A lover's wish sunken beneath all the dark
Gone is a forever love, which promised no pain
For destiny has lost its path, without stars to guide it
Keys to hearts held tight in hands, have somehow dropped
Without the stars and their light, the keys are lost forever
Now I must walk in the dark, without the light of those stars
I will get out alone, as I always have and go on
I shall never turn back around, to take another look
For there's nothing there anymore, except darkness and pain
All because the angels have lost all the stars
The nights will never be the same, without those precious lights
Shallow Love
I don't want your shallow love ever again.
Shallow love comes on fast and doesn't last
Too many times I 've seen it all before
Love never grows and will never be right
It all slowly becomes nothing but a fight
So why are you still pursuing me
You don't know me, we aren't even friends
Loneliness alone will not grow love
It's as if any woman would do
I'm searching for the real magic
Something you just don't have
I'll know that magic when I find it
He's the man it lives within
A sweet special mutual kind of love
For only he can give me what I desire
I have to keep searching, time for me to go
So stop coming to my door
All you bring with you are your lies
You heart is so cold it'll never know love
So just go home, For I don't care anymore
I'll find my way alone, even if I end up all alone.
Pulling Weeds to Find the Flower of Love!!
The search will be very painful,
Much pain and sweat to be endured, with deep cuts to your heart
Because of digging thru so many thorny weeds,
Before discovering the flower of love with all your hopes and dreams,
Love is there, weeds hide your flower from your eyes.
Appreciation for your flower of love will be more,
more than you have ever thought possible once it is found.
The wounds will heal with the magic of love
So don't worry about the deepest of cuts to your heart
A new wisdom you will have gained thru the awful pain,
a deeper appreciation once true love is finally found.
So don't stop looking now, you are nearly there,
or the painful wounds you have received will be all for nothing.
The flower you seek may just beginning to see your light,
the light of love from your heart, as you clear the path for it to see the light shine thru.
Love could be growing towards you as you sweat and suffer to clear the path.
Appreciation of that love, is food to feed the flower of love.
But tend to your heart and love and appreciate yourself,
For it is what it will take for your heart and your love to shine at it's brightest.
How can your love find you if you shine no light.
Once the beautiful flower you worked so hard and spent precious time to find, has finally been found.
All you need now is to add water, the water is an important element.
The water would be the time together, the growing of shared love,
Times of bonding and learning of each others hearts.
And all of the other things it takes for two people to fall in love and remain together there on out.
Just remember this, if you deprive your flower of light, or of the much needed water, it will wilt and die.
And the weeds will once again take over,
So tend to your garden of love daily for it to flourish and to grow, then cherish your flower, love yourself and them above all else.