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by knittinkitten at 12/15/2007 5:46:50 AM

My Red Flag Collection is growing. “ Why is that.?”
you ask. Well, “stuff” usually grows pretty fast
when fed “fertilizer.” (See how you can find another
word for sh*t when you want to.) “How did you get so
wise?” they ask me. Well, it didn’t happen overnight.
As a matter of fact, I think getting smart was easier
than becoming wise.
“Now what’s this all about?” you ask. Well, I had
another “adventure” last night. He is NOT on this site, but there will be no names, though I have never seen
him on Forums or Blogs.
I’m going to paraphrase our correspondence so I don’t
get into trouble with the Mods either.
Background: Professional man, from a nearby
city….many messages back and forth since February. No
pix posted, very nice pix sent upon request.
Friendly chatting at regular intervals and NEVER an
off-color remark or discourteous conversation, always
said that he was interested in meeting me. He
traveled out of the country often and I had no reason
not to believe him.
Saturday….An email asking me if I was available to get
together with him “tonight”. I was available after
7:30 so I agreed. ( I saw no reason to play games
because he had not called and made plans ahead of
time. It was an informal “Meet & Greet” and we were
both available.)
He offered to drive the whole distance (almost 2
hours) instead of meeting half way, as we had
discussed once before , and the plans were made. He
was to call when he arrived and I would then meet him
for coffee….separate cars.
Now starts the adventure……..An email asking me if he
was going to get to meet my “husband”. Husband?
I don’t have a husband, I’m not married, I told him.
(Hmmmm, wondering if he has me mixed up with someone
else? ……just checking…..was his reply. Red Flag?
Next email asked me to call him, giving me his number
(which I already had from past calls). So I did. I
usually got his answering exchange and he could never
call me back because I always used *67 for anonymity.
But the arrangement was that he would email me to call
and he would then pick up. Red Flag? I don’t know.
I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
So I called. I could see that he was online with the
messages that were flying back and forth. He
answered. After only a word or two the line
disconnected. Who knows why…I called again and he
answered. He’s asking me about my husband again and I
convince him that I don’t have one. We make meeting
plans and I hang up, having arranged that he will call
when he arrives in town, so that I may go to meet
Next comes a new message asking if he should get US a
motel room? Definitely a RED FLAG. I snap back
telling him that the answer is definitely NO. I do
not have sex with men I have not met!
He replied that he had not even mentioned sex and that
there must be lots of perverts in my area for me to
have thought that. (Yes, I DO know all about mens’
But, REALLY, …US a motel room…….drink and drive…on a
coffee date? Now, we’re on to a few RED FLAGS.
His reply was that if he parties and drinks, he does
not drive. (Good answer.) But, NOT good enough!
I answer that I had figured coffee or tea because it
was simply a “Meet & Greet” and not a date. I added
that it didn’t matter to me if he wanted to have a
drink…or a room, but that if he had a room, I would
not be in it. I asked him to message me back as I had
to leave the house and wanted to know if we were still
on. I could see he was still online, but no reply so
I turned off the computer and left the house for my
At this point I get a tinge of guilt (in case I was
wrong????) So I call him again to see whether my
thinking was right on the Red Flags. I made this
call at a time when I knew he would be on the road
headed for our rendezvous….IF he was really going to
keep the date. As I expected, I got his service and
left a message that I was sorry if I had offended him
and asked him to call to let me know if the date was
still on.
Flags….I caught him…and he knew it…….And, of course,
he did not arrive and I have not heard from him since.
However, later on in the evening, I did succumb to my
own weakness…(hey, ya don’t have to be perfect at MY
age!.) I wrote him a farewell letter. It was a nice
letter….a classy letter…you would expect anything else
from me?
I just looked…he hasn’t picked it up yet. Think he
knows what it says? Think he cares? Me? I’m o.k.,
just a little disappointed that he spent 4 months
acting like a gentleman…Did he waste his time? My
time? Change his mind? Figure he’d try for whatever
he could get? Who knows.
There’s no closure on matters like this.
But, one thing HE’ll never know….is
What he would have missed had we met and clicked??????
I promise that my next Blog will NOT be about a dating