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A Typical Spammer
by rosesandsmiles at 10/2/2009 12:52:44 PM

Please read all the way through. This guy has been blocked and came back three times no picture. Twice a very attractive, some might say handsome, man. I recognize the way he writes, it's basically the same thing each time. He does not read my profile, check it out, I deleted most everything. He goes by my former profile. What Do You Think?

Message: Hi am Pack but friends call me Packer..Here is a little info about me.I am Open Minded,Caring,Respective,Easy Going,Compassionate,Tender Loving,Affectionate ,Trust Worthy ,Honest and God Fearing..I don't Discriminate in terms of Ethnic Differences, Religion Differences and I really don't Think that Distance should be Barrier in a Relationship..Am looking forward to meet an Intelligent, Honest ,Caring ,Faithful ,loving Affectionate, loyal and understanding woman. I was always told that nice looking is in the eyes of the Beholder. Today, I can truly say if I was asked to define nice looking i'd say it's you. I'm not referring to your physical beauty NO. The minute I saw your profile and went through it, It is as if God opened my soul, my spirit , my heart , my very essence of being, Just so I can truly comprehend the glory of your Inner beauty..I pray that my words are touching the depth of your heart Because Its the only way you will truly know and believe that we maybe Soul mates. if you really believe in LOVE at First Sight, If you want to have a future with a man who naturally knows your heart, then take my heart and let embark on a journey of bliss pleasure, companionship, friendship , growth, love, and beautiful Moments .I would Learn More about you.Do you have the yahoo messenger so we chat there ? mine screen name is packer.richmond@[blocked],you can add me on your list if you wish ...Hope to hear back from you soon...Packerg


10/2/2009 12:57:37 PM

Step right up folks and let's here what you think of this........

10/2/2009 1:01:52 PM

sounds like bull crap to me.

10/2/2009 1:03:55 PM

Wow, what some will do? and how they do it is beyound me. I have found the group on here way above average and savvy and they need to realize that.

10/2/2009 1:36:51 PM

It is spam. They send out these messages hoping to catch some woman/man unaware. Soon as you go to their messenger there is either a virus waiting for you or it is some guy trying to con you into giving them money. Don't go there!!!!

10/2/2009 2:36:19 PM

Talk about a sweet talking fellow. If I could write like that girls wouldn't have a chance. Capt Cats could do a better job.

10/2/2009 2:37:40 PM

Well at least I'd make it believable......

10/2/2009 2:50:44 PM

the min a first message says I can be reached on yahoo its deleted and blocked.

10/2/2009 3:22:19 PM

I just tell them Im using somebody elses comp and dont have an e mail address,if they ask for a number I tell them give me theirsPOOF- BE GONE everytime

10/2/2009 5:33:06 PM

I get several messages like that a week from different ones. You can always tell they are phony, the English is so stilted, and the yahoo address. If I am in a mood to play with them, I write back and tell them they can contact me at "[email protected]". Had one actually fall for it and wrote back all upset I wasn't I spelled it out and he was gone. They don't like it if you write back and say sorry, I do not believe in "soulmates" either.

10/2/2009 5:57:45 PM

I have gotten quite a few scammers/spammers and like anne soon as they say [blocked] I delete them and/or they mention widowed, with a child either boy/girl and they are in the inport/export business and/or they sell/make jewelry. Sometimes they even manage to say hello on my yahoo account, and I report them as spam That one I am trying to figure out. How do they get our email accounts. We should start a blog with all the scammers/spammers names on them.

10/2/2009 6:04:48 PM

One of my bosses (before I retired) managers was from Nigeria. I approached him with this spam concern. He explained to me that their are no laws in Nigeria and they can get away with anything. He was aggressive at first because he wanted to get his point across. Then he pleaded Jessie please run, run, run don't look back and drop everything. He also gave me a lot of information as to how to report him and get results. If this continues I may have to give him a call.

10/2/2009 6:31:54 PM

Wow! Roses, I got one very much like that. This one ask me to elope with him. I remember the import/export business too. Maybe we should start givng names so the rest of us would be aware! Thanks!

10/2/2009 7:00:10 PM

They change their names on a weekly basis....when they get snagged it changes.....I love the ones who have a 17 yr old daughter that needs a mother and cant wait to meet me..the one they are so in locwe with from reading my profile...huh....after one or two encounters with these jerks you get to recognize them.....I put them on fav and block them but like to see how long they last...I have put more on my favs, and taken them off when they are gone, then I care to think about lol Ya gotta love the internet.....I feel so sorry for the naive who actually give these jerks money. Thats what needs to get out...IF THEY ASK FOR MONEY....BLOCK.....

10/2/2009 7:01:34 PM

you know that is the same man that sent me a e-mail just last night i could not belive what he was saying i almost fell for him then i seen the same thing that all the others where sending me

10/2/2009 7:02:32 PM

oh were did you say he live he told me he lived on ohio about 25 miles from me.

10/2/2009 7:08:51 PM

I have gotten so many of them that I became an expert in picking them out, first email. They are not only in the jewelry business..they are in construction, and the gold business (raw gold). Then inevitably if you talk to them long enough (sometimes I used to "play" along just for fun) there is always some sort of "accident" where they need your help...etc. My advice STAY AWAY!!! Don't even bother with them. I had a friend who actually fell in love with one of these scammers. Even after I told her to stay away.

10/2/2009 7:25:39 PM

this is a scam i use to get them but i just delete them and don't do anything, they don't come back, when you block them thats what they want. Over look stupidity and it will go away

10/2/2009 7:41:40 PM

Hey silk, how did your treatment go today. Good to see you Thanks everyone for your posts, I feel so much better now that I know most everyone esle is going through the same thing.

10/2/2009 8:06:42 PM

My girlfriend told me to check for the words "god fearing" in the profile and those guys were most likely "spammers" You are definitely not alone when it comes to spammers RosesandSmiles!!

10/3/2009 9:28:55 AM

I mentioned to roses in an e mail that it seemed to me this has all the right words and phrases in the right order but the sender never finished reading the book on cheap pick up lines that he was so obviously taking this from..This is way overboard for a first contact and when I went and read roses profile it was pretty obvious this sender never did.Reminds me of the tropical island girl that mailed me when I first joined,without so much as looking at my profile.STUPID is as STUPID does I guess.I'll just stick with the real good old fashioned red blooded AMERICAN women........but ohhh the temtation,I was so flattered to have a 20 something indoneasion girl wanting me....after all I am the cats meowwwww,right girls??

10/3/2009 6:07:11 PM

You go cats.