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First Date! Why Would A Man Not Call Back?
by rosesandsmiles at 10/6/2009 6:52:23 AM

I have friends that say that they had a wonderful evening, dinner, dancing & Etc: They thought the evening was perfect but they never called back. Any comments on this subject?


10/6/2009 6:54:05 AM

If he didnt call back then there is a problem. forget him and move on

10/6/2009 6:58:26 AM

Maybe the evening was lovely.....I try to make the most of a date.....that doesnt mean I want a second. I'm a people person and can pretty much have a good time whoever I am with. Most people have something of interest to talk about. That does not mean a connection has been made. Not to just not have any furthur contact is rude, but maybe they dont know how to just say your a lovely person but I felt no romantic connection. And maybe they tried that once or twice with not such good results lol. It's just not something to stress over. ITS NOT YOU..................

10/6/2009 7:17:22 AM

What is a date??????? lol

10/6/2009 7:17:23 AM

If the gentleman in question did not feel that this frienship had any chance of developing further and was not articulate enough to tactfully state that in a follow up call, that would be a reason, not an excuse, but a reason....

10/6/2009 7:17:24 AM

He is just not that into you as the book says. Move on.

10/6/2009 7:21:21 AM

I agree with all the above. At least he didn't carry on a relationship until you began to care about him.

10/6/2009 8:02:36 AM

You can guess anything, I called my date the next day just to thank him for the nice time. He seemed to appreciate that. You might try doing that and see if you get a hint of anything.

10/6/2009 8:19:26 AM

lady, I can relate to your question, (What's a Date?)I am such a homebody person and rarely go out, and I don't think a man is going to come knocking on my front door. "LoL" windy So clever. okiemt, I would never call (just me) he would have to do the calling. moonpa, lkavour, & jennyann, all three are very wise, thanks for the comments.

10/6/2009 10:13:23 AM

i have called the man [after a day] back after a date to say thank you for a wonderful time.. if i do not hear from them after that then we are done and time to move on.. hey at least you got out of the house and had a good time right!

10/6/2009 10:31:45 AM

YEAH !! What is a date??????? lol...... I agree with what Moonpa said ! ffflllaaagal...has a good point there too ! It's a two way street you know !

10/6/2009 10:45:53 AM

blue.....if you dont know what a date is...I suspect your not asking....are we fussy???

10/6/2009 11:17:16 AM

moonpa just like I stated, right and right on time

10/6/2009 11:21:49 AM

I've had a few of those. Several I haven't wanted a 2nd date. I would imagine I didn't fit his ideal date. One guy told me I was too perfect for him. HA HA HA Another told me I was too hard to get in touch with. I put my dogs ahead of him. I look at it like, one guy said, at least get out of the house for the night, get a good meal, and meet me! If we click, then we'll see each other again, if we don't..hey, one down and a 100 to go! Some you just stay friends with. I always send an e-mail thanking them for a great dinner and I always add a compliment. If we share no interest, I do tell them that. No need to drag out being honest.

10/6/2009 12:33:13 PM

I've been there too with those one-date wonders that I talk to for some time and after a date....POOF! If someone takes the time to try to get to know me, regardless of the attraction, we WILL enjoy the time if nothing else but friends. Always e-mail them to thank them and hope they give you the same courtesy. Some I even state 'clearly I'm not your type ' or 'clearly you're not my type' happens...but friends are nice.

10/6/2009 1:32:58 PM

just so you know, it is as true what you are all saying for the guys as for the girls

10/6/2009 1:34:46 PM

Have you not seen the Sex & the City Movie where the girls all go out for dinner and Carrie takes along Burger. When asked why the guy didn't come in for coffee or call the next day Burger replied "He just isn't into you". Simple as that. We women make up excuses for the man but if he was interested he would be there for Coffee and all the rest and phoning/texting/e mailing the next day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10/6/2009 3:32:13 PM

i'm usally informed when i ask for another date that, "there just isn't any chemestry" and let it go at that. so, you see it goes both ways. you just have to cast your line and try again. after a while you're bound to get a trout instead of a catfish.

10/6/2009 3:51:32 PM

If there is no contact after an initial meet then they are just not into you. I am a very communicative lady and I can deal with honesty. I would rather the guy just tell me rather than disappear. I wish people could be more direct but I think people for a variety of reasons cannot so "poof". I think over the years dating eitquite went out the window, I know whatever that was..

10/6/2009 5:34:16 PM

Well you know back when I was dating, I did meet someone that I was very interested in and come to find out later through friends, he was very interested in me. Problem was that plague called shy. I am very outgoing and talk to much sometime but if I am with someone that I like a lot, somehow or the other I freeze up

10/6/2009 7:38:07 PM

Thanks everyone for the great comments.Sweet Dreams

10/7/2009 3:57:05 AM

Maybe your charm, beauty and grace was just too overwhelming and he just could not take but anyway it is his loss,, be sure to tell ur friend there are lots nights of dancing....

10/7/2009 4:46:52 AM

stroker, Thanks for stopping by and committing. You're welcome here any time. I love your welcome for Shell, it's beautiful as always.

10/8/2009 12:10:36 PM

more fish to be fried,,,,,,,,,,,

10/8/2009 1:47:07 PM


10/8/2009 5:07:44 PM

Seems to me that a date that ends without definite plans for a next date is a first-and-only date. You can try to stay in touch by phone or email but you're probably not going to get beyond friendship.

10/8/2009 8:54:55 PM

I agree with you biglarspa. That's the way I would see it. I mean first dateit could go either way. Thanks for posting

10/8/2009 9:29:39 PM

From a ladies point of view, I like a man who doesnt monopolize the conversation. I would like him to ask me about myself once in awhile. If he talks constantly about himself, then you know that he isnt interested and there probably wont be a second date or if he curses alot and talks inappropriate, then thats it.

10/8/2009 9:32:06 PM

Now from a mans point of view maybe the lady did exactly what I said above about men. Some ladies, talk alotabout themselves and their ex's. He isnt worth it so dont sweat it...

10/9/2009 8:16:13 AM

lindy welcome, that is an outstanding comment. Thanks