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Just a little note.....
by unperfect1 at 10/20/2009 2:11:14 PM

Just a little note...F.Y.I....P.S..... whatever you wanna call it... Ok well if you don't like tattoos, find them repulsive on a female, or are just slightly against them... I'm not the girl for you by far, I have my fair share of ARTWORK I chose to have on my body! Also just so we are on the same page and all.....I'm not gonna be your "F" buddy, so if that's all your wanting and looking for on here well then DONT MSG me those of you that are keepin it real your awesome


10/20/2009 4:52:40 PM

I think its bad ass.. I love tats on women. I have seven tats and usually only date girls with tattoos. hit me up sometime

10/20/2009 5:32:48 PM

There is nothing more sexy than a girl with some ink, and I like a girl that tells it how it is!! I would like to get to know you more, write me back if you want!!

10/23/2009 5:29:55 PM

Ok I find tattoos attractive on girls! and I'm not looking for an "F" buddy on here, I'm just looking for someone to be around and spend time with, I messaged you but guess I'm not one of the awsome people lol!