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Do You Believe In Mental Telepathy
by rosesandsmiles at 11/12/2009 11:33:08 AM

Mental telepathy transfers information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five senses.
Before my sister passed to the next life, she lived in Warner Robins Ga, and I in Memphis TN. With the 500 miles between us, we were so close mentally and spiritually, we could actually communicate through mental telepathy. I have many factual stories that I can tell. Do you have one or more to share?


11/12/2009 11:58:03 AM

Very interesting you should ask...When my daughter, Lisa ,passed, many times I prayed for her and for God to take care of her soul, I would get almost her voice saying "I'm okay mom, call my son" believing myself to be grief crazy I dismissed those messages. many... I haven't been in contact with my Grandson for years, as his father took him away at that time. Just TODAY he found me on facebook!!! There he was, his picture, emails, Hi Grammas! He's 18 now!! I can tell you it is a very happy day around this house today and I am joyous beyond description!!! Did she move him to find me? Who knows?All I know that I feel once again wrapped in Gods love and it is wonderful. So many years...He was ten at that funeral..Great Day today!!! Thank God so much!!

11/12/2009 12:04:41 PM

Yes, my husband and I had that connection and bond and I think My Mother and I shared this Gift.

11/12/2009 12:15:40 PM

Ika, you brought cold chills, and tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you. God bless you and your Grandson. keep us posted jennyann I know you have ESP, that has been proven. Thanks

11/12/2009 12:53:44 PM

Absolutely! I have had a multitude of experiences, but, sadly, they have all dealt with dying. Just two examples: I awakened from a sound sleep reciting the "Shemah," a Hebrew prayer a person is to recite at death, at the precise moment of my Mother's death. My heart began racing at a "call 911" level at the precise moment of my Father's death.

11/12/2009 1:26:05 PM

Rose, yes, I have had many experiences of knowing something had happened and froze when the phone rang for I knew it was not a call I wanted. This also happened with my Dad Jeanne and we have never exchanged this info before. Numerous frightening times this has happened and spooks the heck out of me.ESP or What???

11/12/2009 1:47:23 PM

If mental telepathy worked, a lot of people would surely have red faces.

11/12/2009 2:02:38 PM

Yes Rose I too have had many experiences. It is simply a way of communicating. Fortunately it was accepted by my family so we understand each other. My father was amazing. We had breakfast together every morning and it was a common place thing for him to tell us who crossed over and who met them. Days later we would see the obit or receive the little card in the mail. It was a time few had phones so daddy was always the one to know first.

11/12/2009 2:12:15 PM

I absolutely believe this can happen between people. Not as in reading their mind, but in being on the same wave link and you just know things others might not about some individuals. Usually it is a person you are close in contact with. However, I have experienced it with someone I have not met only talked with and emailed. Say the same thing at the same time, sending it to each other. I could tell you more, but you either believe or you do not. Maybe all people do not have this or understand it.

11/12/2009 2:21:26 PM

For myself and my siblings it is a method of communicating everyday issues. At times I have been used as conformation of something or in one case a lady came to me for hormone replacement. I refused to sell it to her but could not say why just that it had something to do with her right ovary. She went the next day to the doc and asked her to check the right ovary because her massage therapist said to. Well you can imagine the laugh the doctor had. She found nothing. A year later she had right ovarian cancer but needed to cancel the surgery. I said NO must be before 10 days. She went back to the Dr and told her the MT that foretold the problem by a year said NOW it is to be done. 9 days later her husband came in to my office crying, hugging me and explained his wife was in recovery but he needed to thank me for saving her life. The Doc came out of the surgery and said it would have blown cancer all over her abdominal area within 24 hours.

11/12/2009 3:14:51 PM

aginghippy, sharsea, texan, flirty, It is a special, and I believe spiritual gift. Lucky, maybe one day you will be able to understand and appreciate, mental telepathy.

11/12/2009 3:41:56 PM

rose what makes you think i dont understand mental telepathy, maybe it is you that don't understand. mental, mind. ok, telepathy, communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception. I think i understand. do you ? lol

11/12/2009 3:52:30 PM

Maybe Extrasensory perception is a better term but as females we tend to understand what we are referring to so we basically know what we mean.

11/12/2009 4:42:52 PM

No disrespect to the men folk ... but women tend more to listen to 6th senses. We do not just ignore them. Many years ago ... I demanded that my ex immediately fly home to England to see his Mum, even though we had a trip planned three months off. He did, returning to berate me for my "weebie-geebie nonsense" because she was "fine." Two weeks later, she died suddenly of a heart attack. He would not have seen her but for my "weebie-geebie nonsense."

11/12/2009 5:09:58 PM

Hip, I am not trying to be a smart ass. but what i have read in the posts, appear to be mostly "premonitions", I always understood mental telepathy to be "mind reading" to put it simply.

11/12/2009 5:37:43 PM

Lucky, mental telepathy transfers info on thought or feelings between two people by means of their six senses, not their 5 senses.

11/12/2009 5:38:50 PM

My oh my Louie reads Just teasing , Louie. Pray tell what is the difference between a "premonition" and "mind-reading"? Is it distance, time, or what is your opinion?????? Definitely waiting for an explanation.

11/12/2009 5:51:46 PM

Well, I sure don't know it all and there is much I do not understand...All I know is what I see and feel...someimes before it happens....and other times, as it is happening...

11/12/2009 5:53:06 PM

Apparently it's a woman thing

11/12/2009 5:55:54 PM

check you understand more than you think you do.

11/12/2009 5:56:11 PM

I knew last week you were going to write this

11/12/2009 6:00:54 PM

Wow, Cajun, so intuitive of you............

11/12/2009 6:01:27 PM

How did you know I didn't tell you? Oh mental telepathy! A lot of that going on lately

11/12/2009 6:04:08 PM

Well, I sure don't know it all and there is much I do not understand...All I know is what I see and feel...someimes before it happens....and other times, as it is happening...

11/12/2009 6:08:49 PM

I think I missed many things in my early years. After things happened, I would know I knew it before. At times I discussed things with my friend or sister and the next day they would become reality. Some happy and some not happy at all, but I knew them non the less.

11/12/2009 6:14:13 PM

Wait......I just got a premonition. I am not gonna win this arguement.

11/12/2009 6:27:45 PM

Here's to you Lucky All in fun.

11/12/2009 6:32:03 PM

Louie, I some how knew that.

11/12/2009 6:38:00 PM

flirty, I saw two 18 wheelers jack knife one afternoon, I saw the explosion, well I saw it all. I told my mom, it was on the news the next morning. I was about 16. Many, many more incidents after that.

11/12/2009 6:41:17 PM

News Flash Romance is in the air on DH and about 3 couples will merge and one couple might marry before or by Christmas""""Holidays""""

11/12/2009 6:44:21 PM

Lucky, I think you better just say ouch, and know you have been beaten.

11/12/2009 6:54:02 PM

jennyann, Having ESP, huh? Wow marriage before Christmas. Hey this is getting romantic

11/12/2009 7:01:16 PM

Thanks to everyone for posting. It has been most interesting and fun to.

11/12/2009 7:09:08 PM

AWW, Louie, HIGH FIVES!!!!!!

11/12/2009 8:10:23 PM

I'm not sure I believe in communicating with the dead, because you never knowif it's them or something else. So I would be very careful about that. I do believe that we have lots of hidden abilities, but I'm skeptical about where the vibes come from. I was always told to "try the spirits". I do believe that we can have premonitions about certain things, but that's what I always referred to as women's instinct. We're just naturally more in tune to our children. When a breastfed baby cries, even if they're not with you, your milk comes down. I think that's just how we were made to be.

11/13/2009 4:23:41 AM

What an interesting and challenging blog. Mental Telepathy the transformation of thoughts between two people without using any of the physical means in which we normally communicate with each other. This is a very broad subject and can be interpreted many ways. My personal perception? Of course I believe and see mental telepathy at work daily. As I work with energy in my healing ministry many healers work on a higher level which allows healing to be done even through long distance. Mental Telepathy is only one of many spiritual or "Unused" gifts that we all have and just do not recognize. If we acknowledge our creator and we meditate and communicate daily with God, in what ways are we communicating? Mentally or Spiritually? There are many gifts given to us by spirit, not all choose to believe in or accept them. I personally

11/13/2009 4:34:23 AM

Got cut off..... I personally experience visions. Also people that work with energy are very open to many experiences at a higher level than the physical. We are all so much more than what we are aware of in the physical. I know there are many who can not share my perception and that is all right. It took me years to accept the truths of what spirit has shown me. May we all experience the fullness of God in our lives and in our searching for wisdom.

11/13/2009 5:15:46 AM

Ive neber bought into the idea. As cose as my Mom and I were over the years, when she passed over I didnt have a clue until family told me, She lived in MS and me in NJ. I just dunno?

11/13/2009 5:22:44 AM

Thank you Suzy, I was waiting for your perceptions, because I know through your blogs and your profile that you do a lot of your healing through mental telepathy. I know that works without any doubt. I am living proof. Onlyme, that get into paranormal phenomena, I don't get into that. Thanks for posting.

11/13/2009 5:38:26 AM

Hey Skip, where did you come from? I didn't see you up their. Sometimes one just doesn't pay attention to it. I grew up in MS.

11/13/2009 8:59:37 AM

Some people just dont know they have that 6th sense,and choose to call it something else or push it aside

11/13/2009 11:14:01 AM

Jenny,please tell me one of those three is me...wooo--hoooo......lmbo

11/13/2009 2:07:34 PM

Rose I love the new back ground and I can Read all the comments so much better.

11/13/2009 7:15:55 PM

Hey Rose, I sent you a message by mental telepathy, did you get it ?

11/14/2009 1:38:53 AM

Suzy I agree. Each day I am amazed by the energies around us. I also know that it works as a receiver and a healer. I was pleased to see another step in the acceptance of this reality in the scientific community recently. In my state accredited courses that I have taught I had to state all things were made of matter. That has always bothered me as I know all things are made of atoms. We are made of atoms. What is an atom????? An atom is energy. It is + and – and neutral. So if we are made of energy are we not energy beings. If we are a combination of atoms held together by the + and – charge does it make sense that the same energy can rearrange the atoms. Thoughts produce energy and can be measured by equipment. So why is it so difficult to believe what is so simple.

11/14/2009 6:15:53 AM

This is all very interesting,i try not to dwell on this too much but it is interesting.At the very moment my mom passed away two strange things happened to two of my kids and they both just knew in thier hearts she was gone.i was with her at that time.

11/14/2009 6:46:11 AM

Chris, Lucky your message must not have been strong enough, I didn't receive it, sorry. Texan, I do believe we are made up of atoms, and I do believe in atom energy.